Friday 13 October 2017

The Untold Story Of Chime Amaechi, The Third Davido Associate Who Died Last Week

I was in a meeting upstairs when our TV producer, Joan Omionawele called me on the phone. Strange, because she knew I was engaged at the moment. I didn’t pick up. She called twice again and I was immediately suspicious. What’s going on in the newsroom?

I didn’t have to wonder for long: she came to the office where I was meeting and crashed it. ‘Sorry Jide, but there’s something really important you need to know.’ I excused myself from the meeting and walked with her. Then she told me Chime Amaechi‘s family members were here. Chime who? ‘Chime now. The other guy that died with Davido’s DJ in Banana Island.’ ‘Oh shoot!’ I said. That’s important.

Here’s why it was important: even I had wondered who Chime was. It seemed like his death, compared to Tagbo‘s – which Caroline Danjuma made a big fuss about – and DJ Olu’s – who got a lot of media coverage probably because of his billionaire father – did not interest anybody. Apart from the Punch report earlier in the day that claimed ‘hard drugs’ were recovered from the death scene, not much was being said about the ‘third Davido associate’.

As we went upstairs to the lounge where they were waiting, I could hear a man’s voice saying ‘No no, nothing like that. I’m surprised myself. My son was not a drug user.’ We got in and I saw a family huddled together in silence: father folded his arms across his chest, the sisters glancing at their phones and shaking their heads intermittently. The scene looked like gloomy French pantomime.
‘Good afternoon sir…’ I began tentatively. How does one comfort a parent whose child had just died? Plus I’m not their friend or a family member: I’m a newsman who wants to get the story from them; how does one do that without coming across as insincere? They responded quite well and I told them what we wanted from them: just to share their story. Is that fine with you? Father said yes and stood up. Let’s go he said, as we all made our way back to the studio.

Who was Chime?

Up on till this moment, the most that had been said about the Chime was that ‘he died with DJ Olu’, as though he was inconsequential. And that’s how it sometimes happens, when a less popular individual dies in company of famous people. When Princess Diana died, the whole world stood still. Even her boyfriend Dodi El-Fayed was less talked about than she – and the third casualty of the night, Henri Paul, is rarely mentioned, as though he was a postscript to the tragedy.

In the same vein, Chime Amaechi got lost in the ‘Davido’s friend’ chatter. But who was he, how did he get involved in this macabre story?

‘He was a good son’, his father began. ‘He wasn’t a riffraff that was hanging around Davido looking for handouts…no, no. He and Olu Abiodun were childhood friends in Ibadan.
‘They met in primary school. They attended Oritamefa Baptist School. If you know that school, you’ll agree with me that it wasn’t an ‘anyhow’ school. It’s a private school with modern facilities and that’s where he and Olu met. He used to play drums, very talented. He used to play drums in the choir and that’s where his love for music started. It was where the two of them first became friends…’

Mr. Amaechi is a real estate surveyor and valuer in Ibadan, possibly the second thriving metropolis in south-west Nigeria, after Lagos. He may have earned a decent living enough to send his children to quality schools, but he was no Dapo Abiodun – billionaire oil magnate and politician – nor for that matter, Adedeji Adeleke.
Olu was familiar with luxury cars such as this.
Soon as it often happens with childhood friends, life does what it does: Olu was sent off to the UK to continue his studies while Chime remained in Ibadan. In time, he got admitted to the University of Lagos and attempted to get a university degree. It wasn’t to be.

He and Olu would later reunite on social media and rekindle their friendship. By this time Olu had met Davido and was getting involved in the music as official DJ. On one of his trips back home, he and Chime decided to do business: Olu was an oil firm heir and had access to small, but very profitable ventures. ‘Olu’s father owns Heyden Petroleum and he with Chime used to transport petroleum products, in thousands of litres, across the whole country,’ Chime’s sister Sopulu said. ‘They also had real estate that they were marketing and getting commissions from. Even last week, he still sent me pictures of a parcel of land to market in Ibadan,’ her father added.

Soon Chime started seeing more than his dear father and dropped out of school all together. ‘When I advised him as a father to go back to school, he told me that people that graduated are not making the type of money he was so what’s the point?’

And really what was the point of slaving away in class? The elderly man may not get it but Chime was living every young man’s dream: he shared a flat with Olu in Banana Island, money was flowing in steadily and his celebrity connection was on point. To put it into perspective: he was only 23 years old on his last birthday in February. He’s been living the good life since he was 19. School for what?

Death at Banana Island

‘We were at home in Ibadan, when a family friend who does not normally call came to the house with his wife. They said Chime was in an accident and we should pack our bags and come with them to Lagos. It was very strange to me and I wondered what was going on,’ Mr. Amaechi said.
It was early on Sunday morning and they were getting ready to go to church. About that time, some friends had seen reports of it online and had called his sister. ‘I noticed someone else who I don’t talk to often called and when I picked all he was saying was ‘Oh my God, oh my God’.’
It didn’t take much longer to realize that Chime was dead. The family made their way to the morgue and Lagos State University Teaching Hospital in Ikeja.

His father went in there and looked at the body. ‘I went inside. He’s my son. I went to look at him. He was still bleeding fresh blood from his nose and foaming at the mouth. It looked as if it just happened.’

No parent should have to recall looking at their child’s corpse. As Chime’s father spoke, he masked his pain bravely; a trait that his daughter, Sopulu, must have also picked up. Neither of them shed into tears as they spoke to us, their voices only trailing off for a few seconds at intervals. The rest of the family sobbed quietly in the corner, trying to be strong in public but failing at it.
However, the family is convinced that this was no ordinary death, or an overdose as reported in the media. Sopulu in particular is insistent that they were murdered.

‘First, nobody is talking about the fact that they went to eat somewhere before heading home. Someone put the video on his Snapchat and was zooming in and out of his food. That was unlike Chime. He was usually not one to show the surroundings of where he was at any given time. But on this occasion someone was recording him. Few minutes later the video was deleted, it wasn’t left there for the normal 24 hours.’

Could he have overdosed on drugs, like initial reports had it? They disagreed vehemently. ‘My son was not a drug user,’ his father said. ‘He doesn’t even drink and if he did, it was just a little. He was the one always telling his friends not to drink or smoke. For anyone to claim that he overdosed on drugs is malicious.’
It had been reported in the media, based on a Punch coverage, that police found ‘hard drugs’ in the BMW where Olu and Chime had died. ‘Then they should tell us what hard drugs they found. The drugs would have a name. Besides, can two persons overdose at the same time on the same thing and die exactly the same way? It doesn’t add up.’

Again, one would not expect that grieving parents would agree that it was a possibility that their child used drugs. After all, he was young and considerably successful. As we’ve seen in successful people all across the world, drugs didn’t have to be big deal that they couldn’t get if they wanted. Like Lamar Odom said about his wife, Khloe Kardashian, not knowing of his drug addiction when they were married, ‘I had money in my pocket; I could score when I wanted.’ Perhaps an autopsy would give them closure – Chime’s death could have been as a result of an overdose.

His father and sister would have none of that. Sopulu is of the opinion that whoever killed her brother was responsible for the dirt being thrown on his name posthumously. ‘They should show us the footage from their house. Someone who saw it said when Olu and Chime parked, a hooded figure came to drop something in their car. That person is unknown.’
Her father thinks so too. ‘Already I’m skeptical of the autopsy. These substances could have been introduced to them later, given this strange individual that was said to drop something in the car. If the autopsy comes back and they say there was drugs in his system, I would be shocked but I won’t be surprised. I’m very skeptical.’

But we were not satisfied. The report the family gave of Chime was of a nice, easygoing, gentle soul. Why would anyone then want to murder him? Could it be blow-back from the unresolved Tagbo death few days earlier which Davido had been accused of being complicit in? Were Olu and Chime killed to prevent them from talking about Tagbo’s death?

The Davido Connection

Chime’s family disagrees. They don’t think the singer was involved at all. They think it’s one of the unfair media coverage they’ve received. His father told us that the friends had been distancing themselves from music to focus on ‘real business’.

‘If you look well, you’ll see that Olu was referred to as ‘former DJ to Davido.’ Olu’s father was already positioning him for real, big time business. Chime had little to do with the music anyway. He was just part of the bigger group as Olu’s friend. It’s not correct to include Davido in this matter.’

‘Besides,’ his daughter interjects, ‘Chime and Olu were not even around when Tagbo died. They were in Ibadan. That Monday they came to conclude a deal they were doing with the Oyo State government so that had nothing to do with them. I feel this was related to their business, not Davido. Somebody wanted to take out Olu and Chime was just unfortunate to be his guardian angel. He died because he was always close to his friend.’

‘We just want justice to be done,’ her father continued. ‘As a Christian, I had accepted my fate but when I saw the reports in the media; not even the blogs this time, but Punch- I had to speak out. My son was never, never a drug user.’

As the interview wrapped up, father and child stood up, blinking at the studio light. We thanked them for sharing their story with us. They thanked us for having them. Mr. Amaechi shook hands with me and once again, I expressed my condolences. ‘It’s okay,’ he said resignedly, ‘it’s okay…’
But it’s not.

They may never find the answers, or if they do, they may never accept the answers. The death of a child is never an easy thing to swallow and most parents never recover from the shock, the grief, the guilt. As they believe that Chime was Olu’s ‘guardian angel’, the questions will always tug at their minds: what if they had never met? What if their friendship had ended when Olu left for Middlesex University? What if Chime had stayed in school himself? A thousand and one ‘what-ifs’ and they may never find an answer.

BREAKING NEWS! Lagos State Commissioner Of Police Who Ordered For Davido’s Arrest Has Been Fired

The report reaching us has it that the Commissioner of Police Lagos state, Mr Imohimi Edgal has been suspended.
This is coming 24hrs after ordering for the Arrest of Davido, The Lagos State Commissioner of Police has been demoted from his Position as the Lagos State Commissioner of Police back to his old rank as the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP).
Remember, Edgal is the same Man who led the team that ended the Ikorodu Badoo menance and also lead the Police team that dismantled about 4 Shrinesrumored to belong to the dreaded Baddo group in Agbowa, Lagos state.
The letter that was sent to demote Edgal reads:-
Withdrawal of Acting Appointment: AP. 25095 Mohimi D. Edgal and AP. 36665 Aji Ali Janga’, is, however, addressed to the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Mr Ibrahim Idris, and signed by the Permanent Secretary at the PSC, Mr M.F. Istifanus, on behalf of the Chairman, Mr Mike Okiro.
The statement reads in part:-
Our letter with Ref No PS/1924/Vol IX/ dated 22nd August, 2017 conveying the Honourable Chairman’s anticipatory approval for the placement of the above-named officers as Acting Commissioners of Police refers, please.
“The Commission at its 24th Plenary Meeting of 27th and 28th of September 2017, took a decision not to ratify the anticipatory approval.
“The Officers are, therefore, reverted to their substantive rank of Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP).

Thursday 12 October 2017

Alleged Badoo Shrine belonging to Lagos Millionaire Destroyed in Lagos | PHOTOS

The alleged Badoo shrine belonging to 51-year-old millionaire and popular independent oil marketer, Alhaji Abayomi Alaka, of Alaka Petroleum, that was uncovered in Agbowa has been demolished by the Lagos state government.

Alhaji Abayomi Alaka who denied being a member of the dreaded Badoo cult group – was arrested in August at his Magodo residence in Lagos after police swung into action following the death of five family members who were brutally murdered by the cult group in Ikorodu area of Lagos state.

In Photos: Davido Attends Funeral Ceremony Of His Late Friend, DJ Olu.

Davido Attends Funeral Ceremony
Singer, Davido was at the internment and burial service of his late DJ, DJ Olu, earlier today in Lagos.

The internment took place at Emmanuel Chapel, 405 Close, Banana Island, Lagos where the singer, his manager, Asa Asika and some of his crew members graced the internment of the promising DJ.
Yesterday, Wednesday, October 11, 2017, was the service of songs for DJ Olu. The service of songs which took place at Olaniwun Ajayi Gardens in Banana Island saw friends and family of the late DJ Olu in attendance.

It was so emotional and tense that some of the mourners couldn’t hold back their tears as they cried profusely. The choir from the nder emotional Hymns at the service of songs.
A very emotional gathering it was as mourners present couldn’t hold back their tears as speakers poured eulogies on the late DJ Olu.

Friends of DJ Olu mounted the podium to speak about the times and life of their friend. One of the friends of DJ Olu, Tobi performed a very emotional tribute song to the admiration of the mourners.
See photos below, Courtesy PULSE.NG
Davido Attends Funeral Ceremony
Davido Attends Funeral Ceremony
Davido Attends Funeral Ceremony
Davido Attends Funeral Ceremony

Senator Dino Melaye Sparks alleged ‘threesome’ rumours in new Photo (See Why)

Senator representing Kogi west in the house of assembly, Dino Melaye shared a photo from his vacation in London and since his page has not rested!

Some followers spotted a lady on the bed and a handbag beside her and then this happened! Comments below;

See comments from followers below.

Erotic Story: 22-year-old Lady Narrates S*xual Experience ‘Screwing Both Father and Son’

I am a 22-year-old lady dating a 64-year-old man. I know how I must look to people. Believe me, I know. Whenever we go out, we get suspicious and judgmental looks from a lot of people who eventually took in his fancy car and expensive wristwatch and conclude I was probably there for the money.
Maybe I was, but I also loved Badmus very much. Sure, he bought me whatever I wanted and spent a lot on me, but I also truly enjoy his company and loved being with him. I spent more time in his house than in mine.
I cooked for him and took care of him. He was widowed so he did not have a woman in his life. He had a son by his wife, though, but he was hardly ever around. I had learned not to let what others thought to bother me and just enjoy my relationship with him.
One Saturday morning, I went to Badmus’ house to check on him and also to get some money as I had some things to buy. I met him having breakfast with his son, David. David was nearing 30 but he was also very handsome, like his father. He acknowledged my presence with a stony ‘hello.’ Well, I had also already made peace with the fact that David and I will probably never be close.
It broke Badmus’ heart, however, that David was not nice to his girlfriend. So that morning, he suggested that David would be the one to take me shopping. I did not argue, and neither did David. We both realise that when Badmus made up his mind, he hardly ever changed it. He called his chauffeur, telling him not to bother coming over as he had made other plans.
The tension was very evident as David drove me around. I tried to strike up a conversation but he either ignored me or gave one-worded or rude answers. After a few attempts, I gave up and just sat silently beside him as he drove.
After a couple of hours, I bought the things I needed. I requested that he drove me to my own flat so I could drop off a few things. He sighed and frowned like he was in pain.
“Look, if you have a problem with me, just say it,” I snapped, having had enough.
“Ok! Fine! I think you are taking advantage of my dad’s generosity and I think he is too lovesick to notice.”
“Are you calling me a gold digger,” I asked angrily.
“Why else are you with him? You are a young, beautiful woman. What would you want in a man that was nearing his 70s.”
I was taken aback by his odd compliment. This disarmed me so I calmly said, “I care for him, no matter what you believe and he cares for me too. There are other things I love apart from his money.”
“Like what?”
I did not answer. We soon got to my place and I got out of the car as soon as he parked.
He followed me up to my flat and stood in the living room while I took some stuff to the bedroom. When I was done, I turned around to see him standing at the entrance of my bedroom.
“You did not answer my question,” he said.
The look in his eyes was making me a little nervous. “What question?”
He walked menacingly toward me. I kept shifting backwards until I hit a wall behind me. He came closer, pinning me to the wall. “What about my father interests you?”
I was scared now. “I…I…wh….” I could not compose a sentence as I was worried about what his game was.
His hands came to settle around my waist and he pushed so closely that I could feel his erection poking against my stomach.
“What? You have no answer for me?” he said, as he brought his head down and kissed the crook of my neck. I was rooted on the spot. I considered screaming but I doubt anyone could hear and besides, the last thing  I wanted to do was to make him angry.
His hands moved upward from my waist to the sides of my stomach and came to rest on my breasts. I was breathing fast now, not knowing what to say. He moved his face and rested his lips on mine. He then began to kiss me, urging my mouth to open.
I tried to keep it clamped shut but his hand had begun rubbing my breast and nipple through my blouse. I held his wrist and tried to tell him to stop but as soon as I opened my mouth to form the words, his tongue invaded me. He pinned me even harder against the wall with his body and mouth. My sounds were muffled and his hand moved out of mine and slipped underneath my blouse.
He found my bra and pushed the top down, his cool hand kneading my breast. At one point, I began to kiss him back, my fear turning into arousal. He moaned triumphantly in my mouth as he teased my nipple to submission.
He removed his lips from mine and pulled my blouse over my head. His hands went to unclasp my bra and he kissed my breasts as they fell out. He flicked his tongue over my boobs and I moaned, putting my own hands around him.
“I knew you were a slut. I knew it!” He growled against my breasts.
I no longer cared what he was saying as his hand had unzipped my jeans and clawed into my c*nt. I began grinding against him as his finger entered me. I pushed my hips up and down, fucking his finger with my wet cunt.
He shifted away from me and took off his trousers. He then undressed me and pushed me towards the bed.
“Turn around, I want to see that ass.” He growled again.
My p*ssy was wet and throbbing. I did not care what he said or what he wanted. I just wanted that hard cock I felt earlier to enter me. I climbed on the bed and went on all fours. He came to kneel behind me. He rubbed my ass lustfully for a while. He then brought his hard cock towards my c*nt, and finding my entrance, he slipped in.
I grabbed onto the sheets as he grabbed my ass. He slid in and out of my juicy p*ssy so sweetly that I moaned out loud. Badmus’ was good in bed, but not like this. He lacked the agility that naturally came to the youth. I did not realise how much I was missing out on until his son was f*cking me so hard and fast, I felt like I was flying in the air.
I pushed my ass back to meet his thrust. His grip on my ass became tighter as he fucked me. Every once in awhile, he would give me a light spank and I would moan. I shifted against him hungrily, bringing my hand to my p*ssy and began to rub. I rubbed my c*nt until my climax hit me and overtook me. I was shuddering against him.
His d*ck, now covered in my wetness, was sliding into me even harder. I cried out again as he began to hit my cervix. It hurt and felt good at the same time. He brought his finger into my a*shole and began to tease the entrance. I just about passed out in pleasure. He kept going that way, ramming into me harder and harder until he pushed deeply into me and spilled his seed.
After a few minutes, we were dressed and heading for Badmus house. He had a big smile on his face upon noticing that David and I seemed to be getting along. I wondered how long I was going to keep this secret and whether or not David and I would get another chance to f*ck again.
I wanted him. Even as I hugged Badmus and said thank you for giving me money for shopping, I thought about his son’s big c*ck inside of my and my p*ssy tingled hungrily.
Credits: Hot Pulse

My Friends Pushed Me To Register For The Voice Nigeria –Winner

Daniel Diongoli
Daniel Diongoli couldn’t just hold back his excitement when he emerged the winner of the music talent show, The Voice Nigeria.

Even as he beat all the contestants to emerge the eventual winner, Idyl, as he is popularly known, said he wouldn’t have entered for the show if his friends didn’t push him to do it.

“It was not really my idea to audition for the voice; my friends pushed me into doing it. When I was registering, I did not think I was going to win because I had auditioned for several reality television shows before I became the winner of The Voice Nigeria. I auditioned for Project Fame from Season Five to Nine. I went for Nigerian Idols auditions from Season Three to Five. I went for X-Factor as well. I have gone for so many auditions. Whenever I went for auditions, the judges would tell me that I was good but not yet ripe for the stage. Some would tell me I am good and I would go back home expecting their calls but they never reached out to me. “Regardless of what they told me, I did not stop pursuing my dream because where I come from, we do not stop till we get what we want. Music is life to me, it is the only way I express myself. Saying that I would stop pursuing my dream means that I would stop living,” Idyl said

Talking about his childhood, Idyl said, “My childhood was amazing and I learnt a lot of things that has helped me with life. I come from Bayelsa State and there are a lot of talents in that state but people do not know. I moved to Lagos about six months ago and this has happened to me. I came to Lagos to do a six months music program at MUSON Centre and pursue my career in music. The lowest point of the competition for me was when I was put up for eviction. During the times I was on probation, the whole scenario weighed me down a bit. I later picked myself up and kept pushing.”
But even as he won the reality show, Idyl said it still feels like a dream.

“Although I have been the winner of The Voice Nigeria Season Two for a short while, my life has really changed. I am beginning to get used to being a star. I go out now and people ask me for auotographs, it is very strange to me but I would get used to it,” he said.

source: Punch

Nigerian Man Declared Missing By His American Wife, Is Reportedly Dead. (Photos)

Some days ago, an American lady took to her Facebook page to declare that her Nigerian husband is missing. A new development has emerged concerning that notion.
Nelson De’Enabry, husband of Lisa L. Flowers, has been declared dead, according to his family. Speaking with journalist, David Taylor, his father, Peter Enareaba, asked Nigerians to stop disparaging or speaking evil of his son.

According to the Enareabas, they were called by his friends that Nelson just woke up from the sleep and was gasping for air. He was rushed to two hospitals but they all said they could not attend to him.
He was said to have died at the third hospital (Lagos State General Hospital, Ikeja). They said the hospital did not issue a death certificate because he was not a patient of the hospital.
The family also claimed he had been buried somewhere close to Ojokoro, Ogun State and as of Wednesday October 11 2017 night, Evelyn Enareaba, Nelson’s sister, claimed that members of the state CID had picked up some of Nelson’s friend for questioning.

Police parade two suspected ‘ritualists’ in Osun state after uncovering their shrine

On Wednesday, policemen in Osun state paraded two people suspected ritualists who specialize in duping and defrauding unsuspecting members of the public under the pretence of being herbalists.
The state commissioner of police, Mr Fimihan Adeoye at the Force headquarters, Osogbo identified the suspects as Yusuf Taofeek, aged 21 and Jimoh Sherif, 20.
Fimihan said the suspects were arrested on 6th October, 2017 upon tip-off by some vigilant residents of Jamodo junction, Ifon-Osun, where their shrine was uncovered by the police.
He said it was revealed to Police Operatives that some cultists /ritualists with code name “ZONE II” (Two) at Jamodo junction, Ifon-Osun, headed by one Sehidu Aliu, also known as ‘Alaga’ who is presently at large, usually assemble at their den.

He said they brandish guns and cutlasses before their victims. It was disclosed that most of the victims were those who patronised them for money rituals.
According to the CP, “the syndicates specialise in duping and defrauding unsuspecting members of the public under the pretence of being herbalist and to make money rituals for them.
“Investigation led to the discovery of their den/shrine at Isangbe village in Ifon-Osun, where outrageous statues made of cement, carved wood, foams, assorted charms, cloths, empty schnapps bottles used for sacrifice to the purported Sango (god of thunder).
“One of the moveable statues was removed to be tendered as exhibit. Also arrested is Yusuf Taofeek ‘m’ age 21 years met hiding in the ceiling of the house of Sehidu Aliu aka Alaga the zone II gang leader with a cutlass.
“Other items recovered from the suspects are one unregistered Toyota camry saloon car and two Bajaj boxer motorcycles. Fifteen other members of the syndicate are at large. Investigation is ongoing.
“We appreciate members of the public for their cooperation and we appeal that they continue to give us useful information that could help in making Osun a crime free state.”

Toke Makinwa: I have no plan to remarry soon

Nigerian media personality and author, Toke Makinwa, has given a clear answer to a question she no doubts gets often. In a twitter response to follower who asked her if she plans to get married as every woman needs a man.
It would have been unbecoming of her to give a different answer to the one below.

Why I Returned to School at Old Age – Popular Actor, Odunlade Reveals

Popular Nollywood comic actor, Odunlade Adekola, in a new interview, has revealed why he decided on returning to school to further his education among other issues.
While speaking in an exclusive interview with Premium Times, 38-year-old popular Nollywood Yoruba actor, Odunlade Adekola who has starred, scripted, produced and directed over a 100 movies, opened up on his career, fame and controversies.
Here are excerpts from the chat;
Is it true that you are presently an undergraduate at the University of Lagos?
Yes I am presently in 500 Level at the University of Lagos studying Business Administration. As a student, I loved business studies and anything that pertains to leadership. That is why I am studying Business Administration. I am also of the opinion that when you study Business Administration, you can fit into any profession. As we all know, if you have a lot of money and you do not know how to manage it, you would squander it in no time. If you are a doctor, heading a hospital, and you don’t know how to manage the hospital, the establishment can pack up. So, the knowledge of business administration is the key to the smooth running of any organisation. I already have a diploma from the Moshood Abiola Polytechnic.
You are already a household name, why return to school?
I am a firm believer in knowledge acquisition so I always tell young actors, who want to enter our industry to get an education first. In fact, if you tell me you are interested in acting, I will ask you what you are doing presently. If you say you are currently in school, I will advise you to finish before you join the movie industry. Even if you are learning a trade, make sure you are certified before you join the movie industry. If you are seeking to gain admission into the university, ensure you complete your studies first before you come into the movie industry. If you fail to do so, once you become a famous actor, it will be difficult for you to go back to school. Education is very important in anything you do in life.
As an established actor, you have had a fair share of scandals?
Some elements have hijacked social media for their own mischievous gains. People just sit down and cook up stories simply because they want traffic, they want to make money. I think Nigerians need to get it right. It is not everything that is on social media that is factual. An entertainer who knows his craft should not be carried away with social media. This is because before social media, we have been in this industry. It is not social media that will bring us down. I have been in the industry for more than twenty years. So, social media cannot bring me down.
For a long time, a lot of people have attributed your meteoric rise to diabolic means. Do you feel any need to react to it?
I have reacted to it. I am a Christian. I was born in a Christian family. I grew up in a Christian home. As far as I am concerned, if you are in one level in this country and people have not said this thing about you, it means you have not gotten high enough. If you are a celebrity and you are bothered about what people write about you, it means you still need to pray very well for Baba God to take you higher. We are still praying. People have said Pastors use jazz. So, why would they not say the same thing about me?  I am a Christian and I am still in Christ. I was born in Christ Apostolic Church and I still attend Christ Apostolic Church in Abeokuta. My dad is a former choirmaster in our church and he is now a pastor.
As a Nollywood big boy, why do you prefer to live in Abeokuta instead of Lagos that is known as the entertainment headquarters?
I am comfortable in Abeokuta and there are a lot of beautiful and serene places here. All my family members are in Abeokuta. I was not brought up in Lagos so I cannot move to Lekki or Ajah. Living in Lagos does not mean that one is rich or successful. Neither does it mean that Lagos is a paradise. The mentality of everybody is different, I am in Abeokuta and I would continue to be here. I am not saying that I cannot build a house in Lagos but presently, I am in Abeokuta and I have not seen what would make me relocate from where I am. This is where I was before everybody in Lagos knew me, so why would I leave Abeokuta when everybody now knows me?

Hard drugs reportedly recovered from car Davido’s friend DJ Olu and Chime died

Hard drugs were reportedly recovered from the BMW car parked in a garage on Block B, Banana Island, Lagos, Davido’s friend, DJ Olu and Chime Amaechi died in.
A Lagos State Police Command source, who confided in Punchng, said operatives from the Ikoyi Police Division received a distress call that two young men were lying lifeless in a car.
“A team raced to the scene. On getting there, the lifeless bodies of two adult males were found in a BMW car, with number plate, KJA 631 AY, at the underground garage of Block B, Banana Island.
After making some enquiries, the victims were identified as Olugbenga Abiodun, 25. He lived on Block 11 of the estate. The other victim, Chime Amaechi, was also aged 25,” the source said.
Another source who spoke to Punch, claimed that preliminary physical examination suggested that they died of drug overdose, as it was gathered that the duo vomited blood from their noses and mouths.
She said, “They were found dead in the car and blood was coming out of their noses and mouths.
A doctor was also at the scene. Physical examination of the bodies indicated that the victims must have died of an overdose of substances suspected to be hard drugs. The substances were found in the car.”
While the corpses have been deposited in the Lagos State Teaching Hospital morgue, as the family of the late entertainers await post-mortem result to find the actual cause of death, the Lagos State Acting Commissioner of Police, Edgar Imohimi, who confirmed the deaths and said, “Autopsies would be carried out to know the cause of death. There were no marks of violence on their bodies.”

Nigerian Lady Reveals She’s About To Get Fired From Her Job, Following Her Public Comment On Bobrisky’s Apartment

A Nigerian lady identified as Tiwaeve, revealed that she is about to lose her job following her public comment on Bobrisky’s apartment.
Her comment on Bobrisky’s house went viral and was rebuked by some users as it’s unethnical to reveal client’s details.
This was her post;
It is actually a rented apartment, my law firm handled the sale of that house, the owner is an Igbo man, actually the rent a year is N3.5m. Bobrisky issa liar
Tiwaeve, via her instagram page, revealed that she did not know her public comment would go viral.
She wrote;
You all should not crucify me too soon? I am actually been questioned by my boss, he’s seen this viral thing, I guess i’m getting kicked, pardon me people, i know its unethnical i crossed the line, didn’t know it would go viral, i guess i’m in need of a new job.

Police Reinvites Davido, Says Tagbo Died From Suffocation

Tagbo Umeike and Davido
The police in Lagos have said that Tagbo Umeike, the late friend of music artiste, Davido, died from suffocation. Acting Police Commissioner, Imohimi Edgal, stated this at a briefing on Wednesday afternoon, where he announced that Davido has been reinvited for questioning.

According to Edgal, the autopsy report revealed that Tagbo died from suffocation, adding that he was abandoned in his car at the hospital by Davido’s driver and two of his friends.

Edgal said Davido has been reinvited for questioning because he lied that he only knew of Tagbo’s demise while he was at DNA night club, in Victoria Island, a claim that has been found to be untrue.

-The Nation

Davido Finally Opens Up On Tagbo’s Death

David Adeleke has reacted to posts on social media that he was involved in the recent death of his friend, Tagbo.

With accusations,counter-accusations and alleged autopsy result, Davido maintains that he is innocent of all malicious publications against him.

“Lies everywhere due to respect for Tagbo and his family, I haven’t spoken about this issue since.
“Soon a statement and footage will be released, enough is enough.

“God bless you guys!!! everyone be safe.

“My heart is pure and the world knows, please God keep my heart the same.

“Please don’t give me a change of heart Lord, I shall remain a giving being.”

Monday 9 October 2017


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Watch Another Teaser to MTEc new movie “Corper’s Journal” The personal
diaries of corps members.. Featuring @mrlatin @therealremisurutu
@temidayobabatunde74 @yk_blaq @sunkanmi_omobolanle @iamadeniyitayo
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@devoutscribbler1616 Sound Produced By @Dimimu Studio Directed by
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