Friday 26 February 2016

Supreme Court decides on Reverend King's fate today

The fate of Senior Pastor of the Christian Praying Assembly, Lagos, Rev. Chukwuemeka Ezeugo aka Reverend King, will be known today February 26th, as the Supreme Court would decide whether he should be hanged for murder or spend a few more years in jail.

Reverend King was charged to court by the Lagos state government on September 26th 2006 on a six-count charge of attempted murder and murder of one of his members, Ann Uzoh on August 2nd 2006.

Justice Joseph Oyewole of the Lagos State High Court, Ikeja had on January 11th 2007 sentenced him to death by hanging for the murder of Ann Uzoh. The controversial pastor approached the Lagos state Court of Appeal but his appeal was thrown out and the High courts verdict upheld.

Dissatisfied with the Court of Appeals verdict, Reverend King approached the Supreme court, asking for the verdict to be upturned. The Apex court is expected to give its ruling this morning.

Photos: Abia state governor takes on cancer patient, Paul Arisa's case

Respite has come the way of 27 year old cancer patient, Paul Arisa as Abia state governor, Okezie Ikpeazu, has sent a medical practitioner, Mike Eninnaya and Ubani Newman Ubani his SSA on New Media to visit Paul at his hospital bed, with the plan of taking over his medical expenses.

Paul Arisa is an orphan with no direct blood brother or sister and was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a type of cancer.

Studio 24 provides exclusive photography coverage for Social Media Week Lagos 2016

Studio 24 joined the long list of partners at the largest business and social media conference on the African continent. The luxury photography company is providing exclusive photography and videography services for the five days of engaging presentations/panels showcasing Africa's brightest minds in emerging technology and new media...

Join STUDIO 24 at the Innovation Stage SMW Lagos as they engage in an interactive session on the INTERSECTION OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND SOCIAL MEDIA on Friday 26th February 2016.
Time: 3:00pm - 4:00pm

Venue: LandMark Event Centre, Oniru, Victoria Island Lagos.
Speakers: Founder/CEO STUDIO 24, Mr Christopher Oputa.
Chidiadi Madumere, Head of Corporate Communications STUDIO 24, Barrister Obinna Osisiogu, Media/Entertainment Lawyer, Presenter, Joy Isi Bewaji, Chinedu Achuka Social Media/IT Expert STUDIO 24 and Emperor Aigboviosa, Creative Director/Photographer STUDIO 24
 Follow them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @studio24nigeria

Catch up on all the fun from #SMWLAGOS DAY 1.
More photos...

Actress Omoni Oboli shares throwback photo of when she was a teenager

The actress shared the photo and wrote "#fbf #TheFirstLady at 18 or 19! Oh my days! My sis just showed my this picture. She refused to give it to me so I had to take a picture of it. Flash back of life! I was skinny as a rake but still had chubby cheeks.#flashbackfriday"

'Pornography really messed up my life and marriage'- actor Terry Crews

Terry Crews known for his role in TV Series 'Everybody Hates Chris' has revealed how his addiction to porn nearly destroyed his marriage, saying he would have been divorced now if not for rehab.

The "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" actor and former NFL Player posted three videos on Facebook titled 'dirty little secrets' and revealed how his battle with porn addiction nearly ended his marriage.


"Pornography, it really, really messed up my life in a lot of ways," Crews said in his first video, adding that day turned into night while he watched. ''Some people say, 'Hey, man ... you can't really be addicted to pornography.' But I'm gonna tell you something: If day turns into night and you are still watching, you probably have got a problem. And that was me," he said. "It changes the way you think about people. People become objects. People become body parts; they become things to be used rather than people to be loved." "My wife was literally like, 'I don't know you anymore. I'm out of here.' And that changed me."

He said he went to therapy seven years ago, and used the second Facebook video to answer fan's questions about how he overcame the habit.
"I went to therapy, big time. When I went into therapy I didn't know what was going on, how to beat it, I couldn't do it alone," "I had to realize when I was depressed. I had to realize when I was sad about something or when I was feeling lonely. Because those were the times I was more likely to use pornography."
Crews also said that he had to overcome shame and a big sense of entitlement during rehab. "I felt the world owed me something. I felt like my wife owed me sex," "I felt that everybody owed me. And when you have a sense of entitlement, it's extremely dangerous." Crews said he and his wife had to engage in a sex ban for 90 days that made them more in love than ever.

"Ninety days -- no sex, all relationship, all talk, all cuddle," the actor said. "I found that at the end of that 90 days ... I knew who she was, and it wasn't about 'Let's go out because I know I'm gonna get some sex later.' It was like, 'Let's go because I want to talk to you. I want to know you.'" “I have been getting a lot, a lot of messages and well wishes from people out there,” "Women, you need to be fearless. You need to confront your man about this problem," he said in the second clip, recorded while he drove around Los Angeles in a convertible. "You cannot accept any pornography in your life." In the third video, posted Tuesday, Crews described porn as "an intimacy killer." "Every time I watched it, I was walled off. It was like another brick that came between me and my wife. And the truth is, everything you need for intimacy is in your (partner)."

The figure on Miss Curacao 2012 though..shares sexy Bikini photos

This is Miss Curacao 2012, Monifa Jansen, and she’s become quite popular on instagram because of her banging body. She shared these sexy bikini photos on her IG page two days ago. More pics after the cut…

Ladies, who would you 'hit'?

Phyno or Flavour?

Photos: Justin Bieber's father proposes to his girlfriend in St. Barts

Justin Bieber's father Jeremy, 41, proposed to his girlfriend Chelsey Rebelo, 28, while the two vacationed in St. Barts. Jeremy uploaded the video of the proposal on YouTube yesterday, saying he popped the question last week. "On February 19th, 2016, I proposed to my best friend Chelsey Rebelo,' he wrote as he shared the video..
Justin is the only child of Jeremy and Pattie Mallette, 40. Jeremy also has two other children, Jaxon and Jazmyn..

Saraki speaks at Social Media Week, says his CCT trial is an act of persecution

Senate President Bukola Saraki attended this morning's session at the Social Media Week in Lagos where he addressed some issues. While fielding questions from Participants, Saraki said that the advent of Social Media in Nigeria has made the government of the day more accountable. 
Answering questions on his trial at the Code of Conduct Tribunal, Saraki said the fact that he was not tried from 2003 to 2011 when he was governor of Kwara state shows that the trial is an act of persecution. See some of the things he said as tweeted by Writer, Dolapo Aina, Channels TV's Seun Okinbaloye and others after the cut...