Thursday 28 December 2017


A Twitter user shared this story of the shocking moment a sex scene played on the TV screen of her mum’s church during service.
See Tweets Below

LASU undergraduate who spent 6-years in Kirikiri prison allegedly for refusing to have se x with an IPO shares her story

A young lady named Amanda has just been released from Kirikiri prison where she’s spent the last 6-years largely allegedly due to her refusal to have sex with an IPO in charge of her case.
According to Prince Gwamnishu Harrison who shared her story
‘Amanda was 18 as at 2011, she left me in SARS custody and I thought she was gone. Later saw her in 2012 in Kirikiri female prison during one of our Prison Fame Talent Hunt Rehearsal.’
After I was brought back from Police College Clinic Ikeja, I was giving a bed to sleep at the corridor. Right there in cell 3, I saw Amanda, young and beautiful and was tempted to ask` her crime. She told me all that happened.
‘Amanda a student of Lagos State University on 24th December, 2011 left for a party with her boyfriend. They stopped a Taxi and entered.
At a police checkpoint, one of the passengers sitting close to Amanda’s boyfriend told the police he noticed one of the passengers was hiding something under the seat. The police searched him, searched the car and discovered a Gun (Pistol). Amanda’s boyfriend hid it.
Driver and all the passengers were taking to the police station and they all wrote statement. Driver was released and the other passengers but Amanda and her boyfriend were detained for further investigation.
Case transferred to SARS Ikeja and charged for Conspiracy/Armed Robbery. Though the boy confessed to being a cultist and also told them Amanda knows nothing about the gun or knows his cult activities.
She said to me “At night, they will call me out to question me about my boyfriend. From there he (IPO) demanded for sex. My refusal to give in landed me in kirikiri’

Last week, Amanda was freed after Six (6) years Awaiting trial, boyfriend convicted for Unlawful Possession of Fire Arms.
Yesterday, she came to visit to say


Meet the world’s youngest living queen who ascended the throne at 21

27-Year-Old Jetsun Pema of Bhutan is the world’s youngest living queen. She became a queen at age 21 when she married King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck of Bhutan, 31, in 2011.
Queen Jetsun Pema and King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck of Bhutan (aka Dragon King) both previously studied in England. The queen attended Regent’s College in London, where she studied international relations, psychology, and art history, while the King studied at Oxford University. They share a love of art, and were once been dubbed the “Will and Kate of The Himalayas”. In April 2016, the King and Queen welcomed the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on a royal visit.

The King and Queen have a one-year-old son called The Gyalsey. He was born in February 2016.

There are different versions of the story of how they met. The Washington Post reported that in one version of events, the two met at a picnic when she was seven and he was 17. She reportedly came up to him and gave him a hug. Theirs has been described as a “love marriage”.

Pema was reportedly portrayed as a “commoner” by the secretariat. However, her family apparently has long-term links with the royals. She is the daughter of a pilot but her paternal great-grandfather was lord of the eastern province of Tashigang, and her maternal grandfather was the half-brother of the wife of Bhutan’s second king, according to The Washington Post.

Speaking about his wife, the king once told local reporters: “I have been waiting for quite some time to get married. But it doesn’t matter when you get married as long as it is to the right person. I am certain I am married to the right person.
“She is a wonderful human being. Intelligent. She and I share one big thing in common, a love and passion for art.”
The young queen is known for her charity work for organisations such as the Bhutan Red Cross Society, Ability Bhutan Society, and Bhutan Kidney Association. The Queen is active on social media where photos of her, the king, and their son are frequently shared. She also shares interesting works of art via her social media accounts.

Cardi B mocks people sharing her nu de videos online…

Cardi B took to Twitter yesterday to mock people who have been sharing her nu de videos online…

Forgive me – Ex-president begs from hospital bed

Peru’s ailing former leader, Mr. Alberto Fujimori, is begging the people for forgiveness, two days after receiving a presidential pardon that sparked street protests.

“I am aware that the results of my government were well received on one side, but I admit that I have let down other compatriots, and I ask them to forgive me with all my heart,” Fujimori said in a Facebook video filmed from his hospital bed.

The 79-year-old had been serving a 25-year sentence for corruption and human rights abuses committed during his time in office from 1990 to 2000.

He was transferred from prison to a hospital on Saturday after suffering from low blood pressure and an irregular heartbeat, the latest in a string of hospitalizations.

In the video, Fujimori lay propped up on a hospital bed wearing a white gown, with a blood pressure cuff on his right arm and another monitor clasped to his left index finger. He talked over the constant background beeping of a monitoring device.

Gray-haired and with bags under his eyes, he spoke clearly, looking directly into the camera but also glancing down as if checking a prepared text that was out of the camera’s view.

President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski ordered the pardon of Fujimori and seven other prisoners Sunday on humanitarian grounds, placing himself in the middle of a political crisis just days after he avoided impeachment.

The move set off street protests in Lima, and police fired tear gas and clashed with demonstrators who were marching Monday against the pardon and demanding that Kuczynski step down.
The president defended his decision in a televised message to the nation.

“I am convinced that those of us who feel democratic should not allow Alberto Fujimori to die in prison, because justice is not revenge,” Kuczynski said in his address Monday night.

“It is about the health and chances of life of a former president of Peru who, having committed excesses and grave errors, was sentenced and has already completed 12 years” in prison, he said.
Anti-riot police deployed to prevent demonstrators from heading to the clinic where Fujimori is hospitalized, firing tear gas canisters and erecting barricades to disperse them.

A strong force of anti-riot police moved through the streets of Lima with the protesters and sought to prevent them from heading to the clinic where Fujimori is hospitalized, firing tear gas cannisters and erecting barricades to disperse the crowds

“Out, out PPK! Out, out PPK!” demonstrators chanted in reference to the current president, who had promised during his electoral campaign last year that he would not free Fujimori.

“Fujimori, murderer and thief. No to the pardon!” read a sign held by the protesters, some of whom also carried a giant Peruvian flag.

Relatives of victims of Fujimori’s brutal rule took part in the march.
“We are here as relatives to reject this illegal pardon, because it does not correspond to the gravity of the crimes,” Gisella Ortiz, from a group of victims’ families, told reporters.

The pardon from Kuczynski came after Fujimori’s son Kenji drained votes away from a parliamentary bid Thursday to impeach Kuczynski on suspicion of corruption, sparking speculation the pardon was political.


Man vows to recoup money paid by his dad to prostitute

A commercial sex worker has been threatened by a man who vowed to collect the money his dad allegedly paid for her service.
The prostitute was visited in July this year by someone who accused her of sleeping with his father.The man threatened her and said he would take the money back that his father had paid.
At a hearing about a case involving alleged invasion of privacy and threats by some persons, a judge heard how the prostitute, simply identified as GHY, has had her character defamed through spurious allegations by some men who allegedly wanted her services free of charge.
She alleged that her privacy was being infringed upon.

The judge ruled that, being a sex worker does not disqualify her from having a private life, granting an injunction to the escort who has been harassed online.

GYH has been caused considerable distress by online publications about her sex life, physical and mental health, the High Court heard.

These include allegations that she has HIV/AIDS, which she says are untrue.
GYH brought proceedings in London against “persons unknown” as, despite extensive efforts, it has proved impossible to trace any individual who has posted the material.

The perpetrator is still unknown, but is “most likely to be one male individual,” the High Court heard.
On Tuesday (today), Mr. Justice Warby said that an injunction was “amply justified” to restrain continued harassment of GYH and the misuse of private information about her.

The fact that GYH had publicised that she was an escort providing sexual services was relevant, but did not disqualify her from the protection given to private life, he added.
She is an “active user of social media and maintains a Facebook profile, a YouTube channel and a blog,” the court heard.

It would be going too far to say that a person providing sexual services for reward as an escort had an unqualified right to decide what information could be made public, the judge said.
Mr. Justice Warby added:

The judge added that if a sex worker practised unsafe sex and had contracted HIV/AIDS, yet continued to work, there would be a clear justification for warning those who might suffer the consequences.
But GYH stated that she did not practise unsafe sex and was HIV negative — and there was “credible uncontradicted evidence” that the allegations were false, the judge said.

The woman said the abuse began in December 2015 after she received a text message from someone claiming to be a student who wished to meet her socially but not pay for her services.
When GYH declined, the conversation deteriorated into abuse. She also received anonymous phone calls with further abuse.

Posts on a series of websites made allegations that she had spread sexually transmitted diseases, was anorexic and mentally ill, the court heard.
They use both her work name and legal name and also include specific and identifiable information about her and pictures, which are “often altered in an offensive manner.”

Toke Makinwa reflects on the year 2017

No doubt Toke Makinwa has had a great year ..She wrote
It’s been a wonderful year, I look back on 2017 and all I can say is thank you Lord .🙏 I thought I had a plan but yours blew me away, the On Becoming tour was beyond successful, country after country, city and the next city…..only you Lord, only you. God brought me before kings, whenever I was stranded, help came 🙏,
I made a vow with God and he helped me honour that vow cos it’s only by his grace.🙏 I had some lows too but they all worked in mr favour. (I still don’t understand how I got past it but I’m here).
Everything, good/bad pushed me even further and I am sooooo grateful for you all, the amazing people I met this year, the ones I’ve always had in my life, the ones that left too……Looking forward to an even better 2018 with this little light of mine, I’m closer to my dreams, I am Becoming more….⭐️

Lovely photos of Flavour, Anna Ebiere and their daughter on Christmas day

Flavour, ex-beauty queen Anna Banner and their daughter, Sophia spent Christmas day together at a recreational park.
See more below

Adesua Etomi performs with her husband warri at again, Nigerians react!

Nigerians are already very popular for reacting to anything and everything.
Things that catch their fancy and things they are not feeling… Just as they seem to have stopped feeling the vibe between celebrity couple Bankole Wellington- Banky W and Adesua Etomi Wellington.
For a couple who got so much attention and love with their engagement announcement and wedding, it is strange that Nigerians do not want to accept these two as duets or their wedding as a documentary.
The first performance of Banky and Adesua had Nigerians ‘Ooohing and Aaaing’ in amazement especially since many had no idea that Adesua was a total package.

However, the performance between the two at a concert in Warri last night brought more jeers and cheers!
Many called out Banky for showcasing his wife on a track killed by Chidinma Ekile only for his wife to ‘murder’ it.
“She is not an artiste, Chidinma owns that song” they told him adding that Adesua’s voice is just ordinary with nothing special about it.

Meanwhile, during his introduction, Banky had introduced his wife as his latest artiste… Can Adesua cope with the criticism that might follow if she continues to tag along on every performance especially on this “All I Want Is You” track?
Maybe they should just stick to being a lovely celebrated Nollywood couple!

Cardi B shares photo from when she was a stripper at 20

Cardi B took to Instagram to reminisce about the time she had to wear a wristband to work at a strip club. The now 25 year old rapper wrote
20 year old Cardi .I had to wear a wrist band at work cause i was under 21 .NOW IM BARTIER CARDI !!!!

Security threat: Tiwa Savage blasts FAAN

Nigerian popstar, Tiwa Savage has slammed the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria, FAAN, over lack of security at local airports.
This is coming after the singer’s luggages were stolen on her way to Uyo.
Speaking about the theft in her snapchat post she wrote “So our plane lands and while we are still on runway, someone opens the cargo hole and steals our luggages.
“Pilot said he saw the cargo hold light, come on, how is this possible?How is this safe?
“FAAN this means anyone including terrorists can have access to planes, if someone can just walk on runway and steal luggages from a plane”
“That could have been a bomb someone could have put in there.”

Waje Steps out with Her Beautiful Daughter, Emerald. She’s as cute as her mum!

They look more like sisters though….

President Buhari’s son unconscious after horror power-bike crash

Son of President Buhari, Yusuf Buhari, has been severely injured following a power bike crash in Abuja.
According to sources who spoke with DAILY NIGERIAN, the crash occurred on Tuesday night . “Yusuf was trying to overtake his friend when he suddenly veered off the road and skidded. .
He lay there unconscious for a while before the first lady was alerted,” a family source told DAILY NIGERIAN. .
“She ordered that he be immediately rushed to Cedarcrest Hospital, where he is currently receiving treatment. We are more concerned about the head injury than the fractures. As I speak to you, Yusuf is unconscious. An air ambulance may take him out of the country any moment,” the source added.

Toolz O bares bo obs in sexy photo

Beautiful woman…

Crying and Touching Short Movie "TRENDING" Latest 2017 Nigerian Nollywoo...