Wednesday 23 August 2017

Moment Yul Edochie goes to pick up his nomination form to run for governor of Anambra State 2017

Ever since actor Yul Edochie announced he will be contesting for the Governor of Anambra State, people have been wondering if he is serious or joking but it's now clear he means to run.
The actor was in Abuja yesterday to pick up his nomination form to enable him contest in the governorship elections. He is running under the platform of the Democratic People's Congress, DPC.
Another photo and video below.

Don't let a bi*ch introduce you to a man, go out and find a man for yourself"- Huddah Monroe advises women

The former BBA star and business woman gave the advice via IG. Continue to see all the advice she gave

Aso Villa and the audacity of rats by Reuben Abati

Read the article by Reuben Abati below...
“What’s that sound I am hearing? ”“What sound?” “I thought I heard something like miaow, miaow…”
“Oh my cats…oh yes…” “Are you now breeding cats?”
“Not really. But I have just joined a group of concerned Nigerians who are planning to go to the Presidential Villa in Abuja to help sort out this issue of rats that invaded the President’s office and chased him out of his office as the BBC reported.”
“You mean you believe that story?”
“Nobody knows what to believe in this country anymore, but we are patriots, and Baba’s loyalists, and we are determined to make our own contribution. Why don’t you join us?”
“To go and kill rats in Abuja?”
“Yes. Can’t you see that those rats are irresponsible elements? The President travelled for three months and they just took over his office, ate up the furniture in the office and now Baba has to work from home for 3 months while his office would have to be renovated, all at public expense.”
“How on earth would rats invade the President’s office?”
“You like to ask questions. Garba Shehu, the President’s spokesman and an experienced journalist who knows a story is not a story except it is accurate has told us that they are having a problem with rats in the Villa, who are you to doubt him? Have you been to the Villa before?”
“So, join us. Those rats have crossed national red lines. They must be destroyed relentlessly because they are terrorists and criminals. They are in fact guilty of treasonable felony. What they have done is the equivalent of an attempted coup d’etat! We, the concerned citizens, will not take it. We have a duty to defend this democracy.”
“But why are you bothering yourself? The President has met with the Security Chiefs. And he gave them a marching order to ensure national security. They should know what to do”
“But did they obey the marching order? After their meeting with the President, the other day, they just addressed a press conference and returned to their offices. Not a word about the breach of national security by rats. I was shocked. I expected the service chiefs to march straight to the President’s office and deal with the rats with immediate effect. This is the problem. Baba has around him, people who are not ready to help his administration. Even the Generals, with all their epaulets and combat experience, are running away from common rats! You now see why some of us have decided to take up this matter as patriots?”
“I don’t think anybody will allow you to take cats into the President’s office, though. That may even be more of a threat to national security than the rats invasion.”
“Okay, what do you suggest, we go to the zoo and get lions, jackals and hyenas to attack rats?”
“What will a lion do with rats?”
“That is my point. It is actually a job for cats. Rats flourish in the absence of cats. Don’t you know it is only when the cat is not at home that rats become bold enough to take over the house? As the Yoruba people put it, a i si nile ologinni, ile di ile ekute.”
“Abasi mbok. I could never imagine that a day will come when Okon Calabar will take over Nigeria’s seat of power.”
 “Okon Calabar. Who is that?”
“Okon Calabar.  That is what we call rats in Calabar. Okon Calabar is not an ordinary rat at all. It has the appetite of about ten men. Have you ever seen a rat that has a pot belly, the effect of pathological gluttony?”
“That is Okon Calabar. Not even rat poison can kill it. And your cats had better be capable. Okon Calabar’s jaws are like this… strong, frightening. Ugh. In those days, Okon Calabar’s specialty was the family pot of soup. If you left your soup pot carelessly in the kitchen, Okon Calabar will lick all the soup and leave for you a clean pot.  The real story is that Okon Calabar has very strong spiritual powers; it is an agent of demons and spirits.”
“Thank you. I think from now on, I will just be very careful. Anybody at all who bears Okon whether a rat or a human being… You now see why Baba had to abandon his office and work from home?”
“But is he actually working from home? I think he is working from the office.”
“The same office where the rats have taken possession?”
“I saw the photograph of the President’s meeting with the Service Chiefs. That is actually not the office in the residence. The office in the residence is small and private. I don’t know why we have to be told he is working from home, when he is actually using a second office which is part of his main office.”
“The people working for him say he is working from home, you say he is actually working from his office, another office. You and your over-sabi.”
“Well, I may be wrong. But the last administration extended the President’s office, by erecting in the green space between the President’s office and the residence, a mini-conference/banquet hall, which has a hall, a diplomatic reception room, a fully fitted kitchen, a Presidential office, a stage, a control room, a newsroom, and a broadcast room where the President can either record or have live broadcast.”  
“They may have changed the design of things since you last visited the Villa. So you don’t know”
“But I saw the photographs in the media. The office in that Presidential office extension, is just about 3 minutes walk from the residence.  Once the President goes there to hold meetings, he is already effectively in the office. And in any case, was it even necessary to tell us the President is working from home or that rats have chased him away from his office? If they want to change furniture, let them do it. There is no point creating unnecessary news.”
“Your oversabi is getting too much these days.”
“Unnecessary news always generates unnecessary questions. Now, we have been told that N2 billion was actually earmarked for the cleaning and fumigation of the Villa. So, who is responsible for keeping the Villa rodent-free?”
 “N4 billion actually. I hear Julius Berger is in charge of the maintenance of the Villa.”
“So, Julius Berger would have to explain to Nigerians how rats invaded the President’s office. Is it that they locked up the place and stopped cleaning it? Ordinarily, every part of the Villa must be kept clean every day. I still don’t believe this rat story. Rats in the President’s office? The BBC in its report was practically laughing at Nigeria. I imagine when next any foreign diplomat is posted to Nigeria, one of his briefing notes would be the need for him to watch out for rats in the Villa. Oyinbo people too like akproko.”
“Do you want to keep writing an essay on this matter or you want to join us? Any small thing, you will just start vibrating.”
“We need to raise questions. But since you insist that the rats story must be true, could that also be the reason why the Federal Executive Council meeting for this week was cancelled?”
“I don’t think so. You should stop worrying about whether a Council meeting is held or not. It is not an issue. There is nothing in the Constitution that says FEC must meet every week or on any particular day. The President can choose to hold cabinet meetings on a- need-arises-basis.  It is a matter of choice or style.”
“Okay, if I must join your rat-catchers gang, what is in it for me?”
“Must you always expect to be paid for every service rendered? We are a group of volunteer patriots going to Aso Rock to save it from rats. Oh when the saints/Go marching in/Oh, when the saints go marching in/Oh how I want to be in that number/When the saints go marching in/Oh when the drums begin to bang…/I want to be in that number…. Are you joining us?”
“Wait first.  I think before we go to the Villa, we should take Lassa Fever vaccination as a form of protection and candidly, I think everybody in that Villa should be tested for  Lassa fever. As you well know, rats are vectors of Lassa fever.”
“I don’t think this matter is that serious.”
“Still, it is better to take precautions.  Doctors can be imported from either the UK or the US or the Medecins san frontieres can be called in to help.”
“We have doctors in Nigeria who can administer vaccination if need be.”
“Which Nigerian doctors?”
“It is even the job of a nurse. Vaccination is a simple procedure.”
“If you want me to join the rat-catchers league of patriots, you will first arrange a trip for me to the UK to take a Lassa fever injection, and then I will be prepared.”
“Obviously, you are also afraid of the rats, so, you have to find an excuse to dodge. And to think I have a role for you in this all-important and urgent national assignment.”
“What role?”
“I want you to be our Pied Piper.”
“Pied Piper. What is that?”
“Don’t tell me you have never heard of the Pied Piper? The Piped Piper of Hamelin”
“No. Why should I know him? Does he know me too?”
“Kai. What are they teaching you people in school these days? And you go about pretending to be educated? Kai. Well, I can’t blame you. What should we expect when the universities are running epileptic programmes and the teachers are on strike almost every year?”
“Don’t insult me. What is your point?”
“Okay, I want you to be our Pied Piper, right? You will dress up colourfully, and play a pipe, a flute or a saxophone or a mouth organ, whichever one you can play. You will also carry our company colours”
“Are we a company and what has colours got to do with it?”
“We are a brigade. In military terms, a brigade is also a company.  And when you go to war, you must carry your colours. That is another word for the flag. In this case, you will carry the Nigerian flag.”
“But music? Why the music?”
“The Pied Piper of Hamelin played music for the rats that invaded Hamelin in medieval Germany, and led them out of the city and thus saved Hamelin from an epidemic.  But you are not going to play music for the rats in Aso Villa. No. No. No. Our strategy is different. We are not going to play music for those rodents and terrorists. We are going to destroy them. The punishment for treason in Nigeria is death, not music. You will play music for the kyanwas and muzuru, to motivate them.”
“And who are those?”
“Cats. Kyanwa- female cats; muzuru- male cats. We did some research and found that cats respond positively to music. No stone will be left unturned on this mission”
“So, how soon are we storming Aso Villa? The whole thing is beginning to look interesting to me.”
“As soon as we finish working out the logistics. See, our strategy is simple. The operation will be codenamed “Operation Kyanwa” by the Hamelin Brigade. The cats will attack and destroy the rats. Then we will fumigate the entire Villa. The furniture will be moved out and replaced. And by God’s grace, the President can return to his Main office, by this time next week, to continue the noble work of leading 190 million Nigerians, without any threat from irresponsible rats.”
“I take it that you are with us, then.”
“Ye-s s-ir. “
“Thank you. Let us go and teach the Okon Calabars of Aso Villa, a lesson. God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.” 

Another set of Corp members recreate their NYSC uniforms...

What are we going to see next?  Bikini? Lol.

Photos: "He dumped her body in a forest, sold her phone" - 26yr-old Kenyan woman murdered by Facebook lover on their first date

A 26-year-old woman was strangled to death by a man she met online on their first date, after she received a call  from another man who referred to her as ‘sweetie’
The deceased Nyaboke Onano, who was staying with her younger brother in Ngara, Nairobi, was reportedly meeting her boyfriend, Richard Nyakina, for the first time on July 23 and had promised to be back before the end of the day.
At about 6pm, however, she had not returned home, according to her younger brother Japheth Onono. He became worried and called her.
“She told me she was in Ngong and may not come back home. I then asked her for money to buy dinner, which she promised to send in the next five minutes,”
When Japheth didn't hear from her, he call her phone number but it wasn't available. His fears were compounded by the fact that the sister, who worked as an M-Pesa attendant, had told him it was the first date.
Lydia’s brother called his mother Irene Mogeni in Nyamira County and informed her that he could not trace Lydia. The mother advised him to be patient, saying perhaps her phone’s battery had gone low.
"Just days before she disappeared, she used to talk for long hours on phone with someone. Out of curiosity, I asked her who it was, and she told me it was a new boyfriend. So on that Sunday, she was going to meet him for the first time,” said Japheth, a second-year electrical engineering student at Technical University of Kenya .
By Monday morning, she had not been found. On the third day, Onono went to Pangani Police Station to report that his sister was missing. The police advised him to report in Ngong where her sister communicated from last.
However, on Friday August 18, officers from the Special Crimes Prevention Unit called to inform him that they had arrested a suspect who had owned up to murdering his sister and dumping the body in Ngong forest, near Lenana School.
Richard Nyakina was arrested last Thursday, August.17,  in Gucha, Kisii County. According to the police, the body of an unknown woman had been found there and taken to City Mortuary.
The confession of the suspect and the report in the police occurrence book at Mutuini Police Post prompted the detectives to call the family.
The police then accompanied Japheth to City Mortuary where he positively identified the body.
Lydia’s father Zachariah Mogeni Onono and mother Irene were called to Nairobi on Sunday and they also helped to identify the body. A postmortem report indicated Lydia died from strangulation.
Nyakina, the suspect, told investigators that he had known Lydia for over a year and he killed her for allegedly cheating on him.
He told the detectives that on the fateful day, Lydia received a call from another man who was referring to her as ‘sweetie’ and upon demanding to know who the caller was, an argument ensued.
He then hit her on the head and later used her bra, blouse and shoe laces to strangle her to death.
The police traced Lydia’s phone to a Form Four student to whom the suspect had sold the phone.
The student then took the police to a barber’s shop in Mukuru where they found the suspect.
It turned out that the barber shop was owned by the suspect’s relative, who led the police to his rural home.
Police presented Nyakina at Milimani law courts and asked for five more days before they formally charge him with murder. There are also reports that Nyakina had been charged earlier with rape and was out on bond.

Source: StandMedia Kenya

Female babysitter arrested for forcing 4-year-old boy to perform oral sex on her

Another day, another nanny drama. A Texas babysitter has been arrested for forcing a 4-year-old boy to perform a sex act on her.

Esmeralda Marie Medellin, 18, was left in charge of the boy when she abused him. When the boy's mother returned, he told her what Medellin had made him do. The boy also said the babysitter performed a sex act on him too, so the mother called the police while the babysitter was still in the home.

Medellin was taken to the police station that night and she denied the claims. She and the boy were later taken to a hospital for a sexual assault examination. The result of the examination came in last Wednesday and it revealed that DNA found on Medellin's breast belonged to the boy, police said. The test also found male DNA on her genitals, but there was not enough to make a positive comparison with the boys' DNA.

The teenage babysitter was arrested on Thursday for the alleged sexual assault, which police say occurred on March 28. She has been released from Bexar County Jail Friday on $75,000 bail.

Nigerian man standing trial for importing $10m worth of drugs in statue tells Australian Court he was threatened and set up by friends

A 34-year-old Nigerian man accused of importing 10 kilograms of drug ice inside three fish statues, told ACT Supreme Court today August 23, that two men threatened to destroy him if he didn't take the haul to Sydney.
Police found broken pieces of the statue in a green wheelie bin beside a Kaleen house after they intercepted the package and arrested Jackson Igwebuike moments before he boarded a Murrays bus bound for Sydney in 2015.

Igwebuike pleaded not guilty to importing a commercial quantity of a border controlled drug and is on trial in the ACT Supreme Court.
He claimed that he thought he was helping a friend a friend's decor business. When he realised what was happening he became "petrified" and unable to back out, after threats were made against him and his wife, who was in Nigeria.
"They have ruined my life. I can't get even get a job" Igwebuike told the court.
Igwebuike said he was helped by the friend when he came to Australia to study. He said he agreed to collect the fish statues for the man, which had been delivered to a Canberra address, and take them to Sydney.
He told the court he believed his friend made money out of the statues which were a home decor item "that Australians like"
But the court heard before Igwebuike left for Sydney, two men who had been involved in the arrangements came and broke the fish open.
Inside the statues were bags wrapped in black tape, which the men allegedly told Igwebuike to take to Sydney.
Igwebuike said he expressed concern about transporting the bags because he did not know their contents. But he said one of the men lifted his shirt to show he had a gun and then brought out a phone to show him a picture of his wife in Nigeria.
"I was petrified." he said.
Commonwealth prosecutor Caroline Dobraszczyk? said in her opening address the drugs were discovered when three 20 kilogram statues that arrived in a shipping crate from China were x-rayed by Border Force officers at Port Botany on October 8.
Officers opened up one statue of a fish and discovered 43 packages filled with a white crystalline substance and wrapped in duct tape. Forensic tests revealed the packets contained a combined total of 10.58 kilograms of methamphetamine, with the pure amount weighing about 8.47 kilograms.
Igwebuike rejected suggestions from prosecutors that he made up the story about the two men and he was in control of the process.
The case is expected to wind up tomorrow, August 24.

Source: ABC News Canberra

Footballer John Mikel Obi's Russian wife, Olga, reveals how they met and started a relationship

In a live Instagram video she conducted today, footballer, John Mikel Obi's Russian wife, Olga, revealed how they met and started dating. Olga who referred to Mikel as her husband said
"Mikel used to be my parents neighbor. We lived there for 5 years. As my parents were leaving the flat, I dropped off the keys at his flat and that was how we met and started off as friends and then grew into lovers. it was never a magical love story because we were neighbors for 5 years but we never met until I went to drop off the keys when my parents were about to leave the apartment".
Olga who welcomed their set of twin girls in 2015, said their kids don't have any Igbo or Russian names because they are citizens of the world. Olga said they would decide which tradition to follow, either Russian, British where they were born or Nigerian.

When asked whether she watches Nollywood movies, Olga said "I don't watch Nollywood movies. Mikel watches a lot of Nigerian movies. I don't watch them. I love listening to Nigerian music. They have nice beats".

She says she would support Mikel and Nigeria during the world cup in Russia 2018.

"I just wanted to cry" William and Harry reveal their reaction when their father informed them of their mother's death

Prince Harry disclosed for the first time how his father broke the news of his mother’s death. He and his brother, Prince Willian, also revealed their reactions to the sad news that their mother, Princess Diana, has been killed in an accident.

The Princes opened up in a new BBC documentary which will be broadcast on Sunday. The documentary sees the Princes speak with raw honesty about their emotions at the time. They gave a vivid account of how they had to conceal their devastation amid the extraordinary outpouring of public grief. They also spoke of their shock and bewilderment at the "peculiar" scale of public mourning.
William says he was "disorientated, dizzy… and very confused", adding: "I remember just feeling completely numb. And you keep asking yourself 'why me?' all the time. 'What have I done?'"
Harry says his reaction to being told the news was one of "disbelief", and there was "no sudden outpouring of grief".
The brothers also revealed how hard it was having to walk behind his mother’s coffin at the funeral, with William recalling that it was "the hardest things I have ever had to do" and he "just wanted to go into a room and cry".
He added: "I just remember hiding behind my fringe basically, at a time when I had a lot of hair, and my head’s down a lot."
They praised their father for being there for them and for making attempts to comfort them during the trying period.
Prince Harry says: "One of the hardest things for a parent to have to do is to tell your children that your other parent has died. But he was there for us, he was the one out of two left and he tried to do his best and to make sure we were protected and looked after. But, you know, he was going through the same grieving process as well."
They also praised their grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, who faced an unprecedented public backlash for remaining at Balmoral with them in the dark days after their mother died.
"I think it was a very hard decision for my grandmother to make. She felt very torn between being a grandmother to William and Harry and her Queen role," William says.
Harry spoke of the people's overwhelming reaction to the death of his mother. Recalling the period they returned to London from Scotland, he said: "People were grabbing us and pulling us into their arms and stuff. I don’t blame anyone for that, of course I don’t. But it was those moments that were quite shocking. People were screaming, people were crying, people’s hands were wet because of the tears they had just wiped away from their faces before shaking my hand."
Aides say it is the first and last time the princes will speak about their mother’s death in such intimate detail. A Kensington Palace spokesman said they were "glad" they had contributed to the documentary but wanted to concentrate on honouring her legacy rather than talk about the past.

Wayne Rooney retires from international football with Immediate effect

Today, Wayne Rooney a record goalscorer and no 10 England player announced his retirement from international football with immediate effect.

The 31-year-old  who has scored 53 goals in 119 appearances for his country told coach, Gareth Southgate of his decision during a phone conversation.
According to him, “Having already thought long and hard, I told Gareth that I had now decided to retire for good from international football'.

Actress Mimi Orjiekwe shares photos from her daughter, Jasmine's baptism and dedication

The baptism and dedication of actress, Mimi Orjiekwe's daughter, Jasmine, held last Saturday. Mimi and her hubby, Charles Billion, welcomed Jasmine in April. They got married in July 2015. Mimi shared photos from Jasmine's dedication and baptism. See more photos below

Griezmann handed two-game ban for referee insult

Atletico de Madrid’s French forward Antoine Griezmann (R) controls the ball during the Spanish league footbal match Girona FC vs Club Atletico de Madrid at the Montilivi stadium in Girona on August 19, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / PAU BARRENA

France international forward Antoine Griezmann was handed a two-game ban by the Spanish Football Federation on Wednesday after he was sent off at the weekend for insulting the referee.
The 26-year-old was dismissed during Atletico Madrid’s 2-2 draw at Gerona on Saturday during the opening weekend of the La Liga season.

He also received a 600-euro ($700) fine, while Atletico were penalised 700 euros. Both have the right to appeal their sanctions.
Griezmann will miss league matches against Las Palmas on Saturday and Valencia on September 9.
He was shown a straight red card an hour into Saturday’s match after insulting the referee for not awarding a penalty in his favour. He later apologised.

Real Madrid centre-back Sergio Ramos has also been handed a one-match ban after he was sent off for two yellow cards in the European and Spanish champions’ 3-0 win at Deportivo La Coruna on Sunday.

And Argentine Ever Banega was hit with a two-match suspension after the midfielder was also sent off for insulting the referee during Sevilla’s 1-1 draw with Espanyol on Saturday.

For celebrities in Moviedom, divorce not an option yet

Omotola Jalade and Mathew Ekeinde
Omotola Jalade and Mathew Ekeinde

Although not peculiar to the entertainment industry, as it is prevalent in other industries, divorce and cases of separation in the entertainment industry always makes headlines.

In fact, fans and those in the gossip press can make it an all-year issue as they are likely to make the break-up saga between celebrated singer, Tiwatope Savage-Balogun (Tiwa Savage) and her husband, Tunji Balogun (Teeblitz).

But a few readers of this page wrote to find out the situation with the couples in moviedom, since according to them, there is no season without news that a lifetime relationship has either packed up or is on the verge of collapse.
The finding? It doesn’t look as if ‘divorce’ or ‘separation’ is an option for the folks in moviedom.

Nse and Clifford Sule
Nse Ikpe Etim and husband, Clifford Sule‘s love story is epic. They have remained inseparable since they tied the nuts over three years ago and Nse revealed that they would remain inseparable for life, because their relationship was ordained by God.
“God takes the credit. We are together because God has willed it to be so. I don’t think it is due to sheer luck. A little bit maybe, but definitely a lot of God,” she once said.
Asked how it feels to be well married, Nse replied: “It is the best and most rewarding feeling I have ever felt. It feels like I have come full circle.
“I am thankful and am enjoying it.”

Mercy and Prince Okojie
Since they were joined as man and wife in 2011, top Nollywood actress, Mercy Johnson, and her husband, Odianosen Okojie, have remained inseparable.
A popular blogger once described their relationship as one that was consummated in heaven.
“We are so in love with one another and there is nothing that is going to change that,” the actress once said when it was rumoured that she and her husband has parted ways.
“Parted ways ke? It is for better for worse,” she added.
Mercy first met her husband in 2008 aboard a flight from France. Her husband revealed that he asked for her number, but she declined.
He, however, was persistent in his pursuit of her until they got married in 2011.

Olu and Joke Jacobs
IF an award for the long-standing celebrity and Nollywood couple is to be given, then it should rightly go to Oludotun and Ajoke Jacobs.
‘Uncle Olu’ and ‘Auntie Joke,’ as younger colleagues call them, have been married for over 30 years.
Interestingly, they are both active players in the industry and very busy at that. They have both featured in many Nigerian movies, participated in several projects and have won both local and international awards, including receiving the national honours of Member of the Federal Republic (MFR).
In spite of the temptation that comes with the terrain, Olu and Joke Jacobs have continued to wax stronger together.

Bob Manuel and Cassandra Udokwu
Notable actor and politician, Bob Manuel Udokwu, and his adorable wife, Cassandra, recently marked 15 years of blissful relationship.
Being a top player in the entertainment industry, where practitioners are often vulnerable to distraction, observers consider the tall, handsome, dashing and well-built actor as one who can be considered very lucky in his marital life.
The actor and show host revealed that one of the reasons they walked this far together is the commitment they made right from the very beginning that they must make their marriage work.

Omotola Jalade and Mathew Ekeinde
Omotola and Matthew Ekeinde’s success story, as a couple has been an inspiration to many. In fact, talk of a diva and an accomplished actress who is successful as an entertainer as she is in her marriage and Omotola’s name will pop up.
Mother of four beautiful children- two boys and two girls- who has consistently maintained that ‘divorce is not an option’ for her and her husband, Omo T or Omo Sexy, as the actress is affectionately called by her fans, has been married to Mathew for close to 19 years now, and their marriage have continued to wax stronger by the day.
Their success story as a couple has been an inspiration to many.

Ejike and Ogechi Asiegbu
Popular actor and former president of the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN), Ejike Asiegbu, and his adorable, wife Ogechi, have been married for close to two decades now.
They are hardly talked about in the gossip press because their marriage, which is blessed with children, has lasted without any scandal.

Zack and Ngozi Orji
Another popular Nollywood actor, Zack Orji, has been married to Ngozi, his beautiful wife and mother of his three lovely children, for close to two and a half decades.
Both of them are notable players in the industry (Ngozi is a actress), though it is Zack that is more on the field.
They have both lived as a perfect couple as ‘Siamese twins,’ as an observer quipped, and they have carried on so well as man and wife.
Norbert and Gloria Young
Norbert and Gloria Young

Norbert and Gloria Young
Actor Norbert Young, and his better half, Gloria, nee Anozie, have been married for over a decade now and they have continued to live happily as man and wife and as parents to their beautiful children.
Not a few people thought they were going to be married for this long, but they have shown that it takes only two to tango and that the survival of any marriage is not in the hands of book makers, but in the hands of those who took the decision to become man and wife, and above all, God.

Omoni and Nnamdi Oboli
The delectable Delta State-born actress, producer and director, Omoni, and her amiable husband, Nnamdi Oboli, have been married for over 15 years and they are still counting.
Nnamdi and Omoni met in 1996, but they started dating four years later when she was in final year at the University of Benin.
She recalled that Nnamdi proposed two weeks into the relationship and the rest, as they say, is history.
Today, they are ‘the best of friends’ and even Omoni declared that she could never have found someone more suited to her than Nnamdi.
By far one of the busiest actress and off stage personality working on the turf, Omoni, who has won both local and international awards for her efforts as an actress and producer, attributes the success of her marriage to the ‘grace of God,’ effective communication between her and Nnamdi and knowing her husbands likes and dislikes.

The Others On The Long List
Others include Emeka and Jumai Ossai; Victor and Rosaline Osuagwu; Richard and Jumobi Damijo; Paul and Chibuzo Obazele; Ramsey Noah and Emilia; Francis Duru and wife; Tony and Patsy Umez; Alex Usifo- Umaigbo and wife; Desmond Elliot and wife; Emeka and Stella Enyiocha; Kanayo Kanayo and wife.

Graduate Training Access Bank, NYSC partner to train youth in North-East Nigeria

The training centers are designed to empower thousands of young people with vocational skills that will aid poverty alleviation.

NYSC Corp Members  NYSC Corp Members
(Nigerian Tribune)

As part of its collaboration with the Federal Government through the NYSC scheme, leading commercial bank, Access Bank Plc. is developing integrated skill acquisition centers across Nigeria’s North-East.

These training centers are designed to empower thousands of young people with vocational skills that will aid poverty alleviation and drive long term, sustainable economic growth in the entire region which has been affected by years of crisis.

These training centers, the first set of which is currently being constructed in Gombe State, will also see NYSC Corps members deployed as part of their compulsory 12 months national service.  While NYSC has existing training centers across the country, these are the largest so far.
Speaking on the partnership, Access Bank's Executive Director, Personal Banking Division, Victor Etuokwu said the Bank has had a long-standing relationship with the NYSC.

Mr. Etuokwu also added that Access Bank was proud to be associated with the NYSC Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development Programme while reemphasizing the bank’s commitment towards achieving the goals of the programme.

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) confirmed that Nigeria’s unemployment rate rose to 14.2% in the last quarter of 2016. Meanwhile, the total number of persons fully employed in the country dropped by about 1,000,000 (1.8%) when compared to Q3 2016, a decrease of 1.92 million (3.5% drop) when compared to Q4 2015.

Double Tragedy Man dies of cancer 2 weeks after wife died of kidney failure

Two families in Anambra State have been thrown into sorrow following the deaths of a man and his wife who died two weeks apart.

The late Jonas and Chinyere Uzochukwu  The late Jonas and Chinyere Uzochukwu
Two families in Anambra State have been thrown into serious sorrow and mourning following the deaths of a man and his wife, Jonas and Chinyere Uzochukwu, who died barely two weeks apart.
According to a Facebook user, Kennedy Nwachukwu, the first to go was Chinyere who lost a battle against kidney failure and while the family was putting plans in place for her burial, Jonas who was suffering from cancer, also died two weeks later.

The couple who had six children, were from Ichi community and Uruagu-Nnewi, all in the state, were buried on the same day in adjoining graves.
It was gathered that the late Jonas had even written a very touching tribute for his late wife not knowing that he would join her shortly after.
Jonas was 56-year-old at the time of his demise while Chinyere was 46-years-old.

May their souls rest in peace.

Patoranking Join The Baby Mama Gang. As he share adorable Photo with girlfriend

Singer Patoranking is set to be a dad.
He shared a photo of himself with his pregnant girlfriend on social media with the caption:
Thank God.

Congrats Patoranking!

Jay Z Addresses Beef With Kanye: “You Can’t Bring My Kid Or My Wife Into It”

Oh no, this fight is NOT over yet … Jay Z finally addressed his outstanding issues with Kanye West in an interview to promote his album 4:44 the other day on the Rap Radar podcast and he said everything’s okay EXCEPT that Kanye brought Beyonce and Blue Ivy into the equation when he went on a tirade during his Oakland concert last year before eventually being hospitalized for a supposed nervous breakdown.

So Jay’s got a single on the album, “Kill Jay Z” and it’s got a lot in there about his feud with Ye: “I know people backstab you, I feel bad too / But this ‘F–k everybody’ attitude ain’t natural / But you ain’t the same, this ain’t KumbaYe / But you got hurt because you did cool by ’Ye / You gave him 20 million without blinkin’ / He gave you 20 minutes on stage, f–k was he thinkin’? / ‘F–k wrong with everybody?’ is what you sayin’ /

But if everybody’s crazy, you’re the one that’s insane.” But Jay told hosts Brian Wilson and Brian “B.Dot” Miller that “It’s not a diss. I’m talking to myself the whole time.” He went on to say: “You got hurt because this person was talking about you on a stage. But what really hurt me was, you can’t bring my kid or my wife into it. Kanye’s my little brother. He’s talked about me 100 times. He made a song called ‘Big Brother.’ We’ve gotten past bigger issues. But you brought my family into it, now it’s a problem with me. That’s a real, real problem. And he knows it’s a problem.”
Hova says he knows Kanye knows he messed up: “I know he knows, because we’ve never let this much space go between one of our disagreements, and we’ve had many, because that’s who we are. That’s what I like about him. He’s an honest person, he’s open and he’ll say things and he’s wrong a lot of times and he’ll confront it.” I mean … it’s kinda cool for him to talk like this. But it’s just like the cheating on Beyonce thing … how much of your dirty laundry should you air in public in order to promote and album???

Your Size Of Di ck Doesn’t Matter As Long As You Can Make Good Use Of It In Me– Actress Amara Maduka blow Hot

Curvy Nollywood actress, Amara Maduka has given details on how she loves her sex experiences.
Amara in an interview with Potpourri noted that unlike many who care about the size of a man’s penis, she really doesn’t care as long as it gives her sexual pleasure and satisfaction in bed.
Amara said:

“Size doesn’t matter when it comes to sex; it’s how you use what you have that matters. What is the essence of a big ‘banana’ if it cannot be used well?” she asked.

On the weirdest place she has ever had sex, the talented script writer said:
“I once had sex in the pool, it was way better than bedroom sex. “I prefer early morning sex, the one that happens when your husband wakes you up with erection and you initially pretend you are not interested, but you really want to get down to it.”

Is Actress Ini Edo In Love Again?

This has just brought to remembrance that old disco hit made very famous by the famous trio of Shalamar- Jody Watley, Howard Hewitt & Jeffrey Daniel in the 80s entering the 90s, titled “Second Time Around”.
The very popular song was a colossal hit then and it speaks of a 2nd-time experience at love. We can bet anything on it, that it’s might be the most popular song that’s constantly in the mind of one of Nigeria’s most famous thespian, in the person of the gorgeous and super talented, Nollywood superstar Ini Edo. From very available and very very reliable information at our disposal, the stylish and very shapely actress from Akwa Ibom State is presently and currently, as we speak luxuriating in the euphoria of love.
Like the Americans would say, she’s totally “love joned”. Cupid it seems has fired all his arrows thay has been deeped in his most potent concoction till date at her heart and all have hit target. It’s like “Saint Raphael, the patron saint of happy meetings & Saint Valentine, patron saint of love have combined to make Ini Edo’s heart and home their abode for as long as she would permit. Not just that, it’s like Ini has so pleased Aphrodite the Greek goddess of love, the equivalent of the Roman goddess Venus, that the goddess has found a permanent abode with her and she’s not willing to vacate anytime soon. Who is this lucky man? Or should we say more correctly, who is the man, that has swept the very lucky Ini Edo totally off her feet? More after the break. It’s none other than a young STUPENDOUSLY liquid, very highly connected man by name S…….

This quiet young billionaire, who doesn’t like any unnecessary attention to himself is totally, implicitly and explicitly taken by Ini Edo. What he greatly appreciates in and about her, from what we have learned is her “uncommon humility and appreciation” of little and very big things. When you see Ini carry a logo bag or wearing anything that’s designer tagged, know for sure it’s the most authentic because she can sure afford it without a sweat now.
If you notice any ‘blingified” jewelry encrusted with gemstones etc or wrist watches that stands out and is of great value, know very well that they are for real as she can afford them at the blink of an eye. We hear that part of the reason Ini might have a shutdown, her not too successful lounge/nightclub might have been at the behest of her rock solid man and lover. To better buttress how deep this love is, Ini is said to be “gobsmackingly”, jaw-droppingly in love and she’s doing all that’s damn possible to keep things on the low-low against undue scrutiny, as she’s not ready to jeopardize this grace she’s gotten in any way or manner.
A bit more about our man? At a point, he stayed for a number of years at a top hotel. He is a young man, not even up to 40. His eminent tentacles is as staggering as they come, to say the least. Once you enter certain states in the country, you would notice his heavy presence. He has access to the top echelon in Government and like we already mentioned, he is awesome, exceptionally and staggeringly liquid. We are helping Ini to celebrate this love, for even we on the outside have seen the effect. More grease to Cupid we say.

Husband shoots wife dead in front of pupils

Facebook photos
A primary school teacher, Kate Chiloane, was shot dead by her husband in front of pupils on Monday.
According to MailGuardian, a spokesperson for Mpumalanga Department of Education, Jasper Zwane, said that the husband entered the Grade Two class under the pretence that he wanted to get something from his wife.
Chiloane’s husband was reported to have shot his wife in the classroom in front of the pupils but she ran into the staff room. He chased after her and shot her dead.
“He then shot her but she managed to get away and tried running to the staff-room but he followed her and shot her again outside where she died,” said Zwane.
Kate Chiloane body
Her husband, Vusi Mdhluli, killed himself in their home after killing his wife.
The 30-year- old lady teaches at Sedibasathutho primary school near Bushbuckridge.
Sister to the deceased, Bridget Chiloane, 37, said her sister had been a victim of domestic violence but never thought her husband will kill her in cold blood.
Bridget also said the couple was in the process of getting divorced, and the husband, Vusi Mdhluli, could not handle it, after being married for only a year.
See more photos :
Kate Chiloane. Facebook photos.

Why men need relationship advice –Monalisa Chinda

Fair-complexioned actress, Monalisa Chinda has had her fair share of relationship troubles over the years. It will be recalled that she got married to record label executive, Dejo Richards, in 2004, though the union only lasted for few years. Shortly after that, she got into a publicized relationship with socialite, Lanre Nzeribe, but that relationship also fizzled out.
However, Chinda eventually found her missing rib in 2016 when she got married to a childhood friend, Victor Coker. Ever since she tied the knot with Victor, she has been radiating with a glow that is hard to miss.

Apparently buoyed by the experience she is enjoying in her marriage, Chinda took to her Instagram page to dish out some relationship advice to her followers. She wrote, “A man must derive pleasure from serving his girlfriend (or) wife. This can only be achieved in a relationship based on true love and mutual respect. A woman becomes even more beautiful and adorable for the man that pampers her. African men (fail) to understand that acts of love and respect bring out the best in a woman.”
Sunday Scoop reached out to her to find out what actually prompted her post. She said, “Beyond how a man looks or what he has, what is more important is how he treats a woman. Men are rarely advised on how to treat women in a relationship; most of what you see is advice to women. I just decided to give the men some tips that would do them a lot of good if they follow it.”

Speaking on what convinced her that her husband was the man for her, she said, “I found that I was at peace with him. He is God-fearing and has a good relationship with his family. I also always like to be in his company, and I knew it deep inside me that I had found the one. He loves my daughter like his own child and she feels very comfortable with him as well. Of course, there were a couple of other things I looked out for and the good thing was that he surpassed all my expectations.”
On the lessons she learnt from her past marriage, she said, “Don’t let your emotions becloud your judgment; you have to use your head at all times. I believe I’m a humble person and I don’t have any problem admitting it when I’m wrong. I have also learnt to be patient and not make hasty decisions. In all, marriage is a lifelong training ground so you learn every day. It is important to understand the person you’re in a relationship with; know their likes and dislikes and that should guide your conduct, so that you wouldn’t have issues.”

Funke Akindele’s tummy raises pregnancy rumours

Funke Akindele Bello's baby bump
Fans of Nigerian actress, Funke Akindele Bello, are speculating that she may be pregnant following videos and photos of the actress rocking a baby bump.

In a trending video online, the Jenifer’s diary star was spotted with a bulging tummy, hosting ‘Glo Lafta Festival’ for the telecommunications giant, Globacom.

The 40-year-old was also spotted wearing a loose outfit and sneakers during the event in Festac town, Lagos.

Akindele’s husband, JJC Skillz, had earlier denied reports that his wife was pregnant, following a post on Instagram during Nathaniel Bassey’s #Hallelujah Challenge.

According to him, his post was just a word of knowledge he received during the #Hallelujah challenge with the theme ‘Olowogbogboro.’

“Nathaniel Bassey came online and he had the prophecy, so I just tapped into it.
“If you look at my tweet, you would see what I wrote, I said I heard this news where he gave a big testimony, he gathered people around to pray for my wife and he said that he had a vision that she would have twins and that he will be invited to the naming ceremony next year.
“I received the good news and I pray it comes to pass,”

Akindele had also actively partaken in the #Hallelujah challenge along with other Nigerian celebrities.

Prophet Olagorioye Faleyimu of the Mountain of Blessing and Miracle Church of Christ had earlier said that only intense prayers can deliver Funke Akindele from barrenness.

Controversy over alleged ban of Olamide, Davido songs

Olusola Fabiyi  and Chux Ohai
Controversy on Tuesday surrounded an alleged ban on songs of three Nigerian musicians by the National Broadcasting Commission.
Online platforms widely reported that the NBC had banned ‘Wo’ and Wavi Level’ by Olamide; Davido’s remix of ‘If’ and 9ice’s ‘Living Things’.

Although the commission did not, according to the reports, give specific reasons for banning the songs, many felt the decision might have been influenced by a recent reaction from the Federal Ministry of Health to the music video of Olamide’s new song.

Last Friday, in a message posted on Twitter, the ministry kicked against the video of ‘Wo’, released a few days ago and described the content as contravening the Tobacco Control Act of 2015.
The National Broadcasting Commission has, however, denied banning the artistes’ songs.
It said the news on the alleged ban came from a fake website linked to the ‘Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation.’

Spokesman for the commission, Antia Ekanem, stated this in a text message to one of our correspondents in Abuja on Tuesday night.

“What you saw on that website was fake. It is not from the NBC. What you saw there is ‘Nigeria Broadcasting Corporation’ and not the ‘National Broadcasting Commission,” he said.
Reacting to the alleged ban, Olamide had said that he never intended to cause harm to music fans with the song.

He tweeted on Tuesday, “No intentions of promoting tobacco to get people killed. I love my people, I love my country. One love, one Nigeria.”

Source: PUNCH