Wednesday 27 January 2016

Shocking Confession: I’ve been having S.ex with my dad for 4 yrs, he’s rich and so good in bed ….

I’ve been having S3x with my dad for 4 yrs – A Kenyan girl says she will prefer having S3x with her biological father than her boyfriend Anthony.In a phone interview with Kate Vobik, a morning show presenter at “Hero Radio” 99.0FM located in Nakuru Kenya.
The girl identified on as Stella openly said that she has been having S3x with her dad for 4 yrs now.
“Yes I’ve been sleeping with my dad for 4 yrs now” She said.
She’s now 25 yrs old and confesses to be the one who approached her father for S3x.
“He has money, he’s hot, I even envy my mum, I just can’t resist him [Her Father]
Stella explains her dad has a good body and has it all
“My dad is so good in bed”
She even narrates an incident in which she went with her father to Mombasa for a week of marathon S3x
“We were Fvcking”.. Ok we were making love.
She says her father give her money and she owns a big house…
“Would never leave him for anyone else”
Stella’s mother is still alive but the daughter says the mum is not aware of the affair with the mum’s man who doubles as her father and lover.

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