Friday 5 February 2016

Woman marries her Instagram lover

A woman made news when she married her Instagram lover just seconds after meeting him for the first time in person.
36-yr-old Erica Harris of Murrieta, and Arte Vann, of Earlton, New York had met on Instagram in March 2015. They started communicating with each other using pages they have both since deleted.
Vann got a one-way ticket to Ontario International Airport; the couple saw each other for the first time as soon as he landed.
A few seconds later, they wedded.
“I didn’t realize how much I love this man, Now that we’ve spend three days together, I can’t believe how much I love him,” the mother-of-three told Daily Mail.
Harris invited CBS news to film their ceremony which she tagged an ‘insta-wedding’ and ‘Insta-engagement’. She wanted to send the video to her new mother-in-law who couldn’t show up for the wedding.
Erica randomly came across Arte’s Instagram and though he was cute. After a little bit of stalking, she was drawn to how he interacted with people in his comments section.

“What drew me to him is a lot of men, you can tell how they are to women through their comments.
“I saw that Arte was very personal, and he was very attentive, and thought “Wow this guy seems like a nice guy”, she told Daily Mail.
Erica didn’t go straight for the follow button. Instead she liked a few of Arte’s photos. Vann took notice to the likes, and he checked out her page, and soon tagged her in a full-body mirror selfie that he posted on his page.
They began commenting on each other’s photos then moved to direct messaging, after a period of time they moved to speaking on the phone and now they are happily married.
Congratulations to the couple.

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