Monday 18 April 2016

Most babymamas pretend to fine in public but secretly feel sorry for themselves – Empress Njamah

The revelation was made by the actress in a Punch interview. When asked by Saturday Beats how it makes her feel when people ask her why she had not yet married, she said:
“I feel like a woman who is not yet married. I am a realist. I am not the kind of woman who thinks that things just come to you. . . It will come at some point. It is not easy for people like us in the limelight unlike others. What kills us sometimes, is wanting to be perfect. A lot of people who fancy you probably don’t fancy being in the news.”
While speaking about the deception and the trend of “Baby Mamas” in the industry, she said:
“Most of them, who pretend that they are happy about being ‘Baby Mamas’ go home and feel sorry for themselves wishing that have a proper man. I have friends who feel that they have got to a certain age and they are not taken. . . These days, there are 30 women to a man. There is no pressure on me for not being married because I come from an enlightened family. Most of the things happening in the industry are not encouraging. This week, you are happy and have a big wedding, the next, you have broken up. What is the essence?”

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