Wednesday 1 June 2016

What Guys Want From Women But Are Afraid To Ask For.

What 0en want
Who says women are the only ones who wants to be spoiled? Who says men don’t deserve to be spoiled too every once in a while.
While men are considered to be the strongest emotionally when it comes to relationship, there are certain things guys want from their women but thanks to this “emotionally strong” stereotype, they can’t ask these things from their women cause it makes them feel weak.
Here are twenty things most men want from their relationships but are too afraid to ask for.

1. He wants his girlfriend to know he loves her.

What 0en want
He can be awkward. Words may fail him. But he likes to think you know how much he loves you. He does. You can see it in his attitude, feel it in his silences.

2. He wants respect

what men want
He is very sensitive, and doesn’t like it when you belittle him, even as a joke. He wants respect, not mocking.  He may be bold, but he likes that you respect him for what he is… flaws included!
3. He wants to be admired

what men want1
He enjoys being flattered. He really does. Just look at him with admiration and he will be happy. A guy likes nothing more than making his girlfriend swoon – whether in life or in bed.

4. He wants to be with you

what men want2
He is independent, but he still likes you to be around. Better still, he likes (without daring to ask) when you spend the evening cuddling with him on the couch, just watching the match, or when you spend the day with him on the soccer pitch(even when you’re not good in soccer).

5. He wants to date a beautiful woman

what men want3
All right, easy to say when he’s single if he wants to be seen as a sexist. But a guy likes to admire his girl. Not a skinny model or one who wears makeup all the time – just a girl who feels good about herself. The worst thing possible for him would be a girl addicted to her scale and perpetually on a diet.

6. He wants to receive encouragement

what men want4
He will never admit it, especially not in front of his pals, but your man has doubts. He sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night, just looking out at the ceiling with dark thoughts. In these times of anxiety, what helps him most is your support. He needs you to support him and his decisions.

7. He wants to feel appreciated

what men want5
Because he sometimes has doubts, he doesn’t take your love for granted, even if he may seem to at times. He needs your “thank you”, your sweet words and your knowing smiles. He also likes it when you express your gratitude for helping you with something.

8. He wants to make you laugh

what men want6
When he succeeds in making you laugh, it’s like a victory to him that makes him proud. He really likes laughing with you and your sense of humour.

9. He wants an independent girlfriend

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If you are always waiting for him to call or don’t have any life outside of him, your man might end up finding you a little boring. He likes that his girlfriend has projects of her own (he’s even proud of it!) and that she can take care of herself. Of course, he likes to protect her too, but he doesn’t want to cut her wings off. He likes a girl who has a life of her own, not someone who stops breathing when he is not around.

10. He wants to EAT! Se fini!

what men want10
He enjoys seeing you eat without counting each and every calorie or gram of fat. He loves to eat and wants to enjoy every mouthful. No counting and measuring for him. Above all, he wants you to let him eat what he feels like without judging or commenting as if you were a nutritionist.

11. He wants to feel desired

what men want11
By you…and by others, sometimes! Although he will never admit it – especially to you! – he likes to see that he can still get another woman’s attention…never forget that. And don’t be afraid to send him a few dirty looks too. He loves it.

12. He wants to show he has feelings too

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He wants to be able to cry without worrying that you will take advantage of this flaw to manipulate him. Showing his sensitive side is not always easy and he sure doesn’t want to be taken for a wimp.

13. He wants to relax

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For him, weekends are made to relax. And relaxing doesn’t mean throwing a dinner party, going to the movies, cleaning up the house or running errands. Relaxing means doing nothing. No planning allowed.

14. He wants to talk

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Your man is not afraid of discussions. Pick a subject that he likes and he will turn into a real chatterbox. Gossip is not his cup of tea and he will never go on and on about stuff that happened in the past. Dwelling on old stories and bad-mouthing are not his things. Don’t hesitate to tell him how your day was, but forget the details…he really doesn’t care about your co-worker’s hair colour.

15. He wants to stay the way he is

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No! he doesn’t want to change…unless he decides so. If you try to turn him into someone he’s not, don’t be surprised to see him flip out.

16. He wants to feel he can protect you

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He feels right at ease when he is protecting you. Although he likes the fact that you are an independent woman, he wants to know he can also protect you. And he’ll do just about anything for that. He wants to know he can stand up for you and take you out of a mess when the situation requires it.

17. He wants sexts

what men want17
He loves it when you send him naughty sexts outlining your evening plans for him. He wouldn’t dare to admit it, but these little notes make his head spin.

18. He wants women to take the lead

what men want18
He may be a natural leader, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t like you to take the lead in some cases. Surprise him… especially in bed. He will be under your spell.

19. He wants guidance

what men want19
Your man loves it when you describe what you like in bed. He loves it when you guide him so that he can take you to seventh heaven. This makes him feel confident and a “real man”.

20. He wants gentleness

what men want20
He can act like an alpha male and do chin-ups, but don’t let that that fool you: Men love to be cuddled and hugged. Your hand on his arm is reassuring, and the soft touch of your lips on his neck moves him. Love him tender, love him!

Culled from Microsoft GES

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