Wednesday 27 July 2016

See The Ridiculous And Surprising Thing Neyoswaggz Did For A Fan

See the ridiculous and surprising thing neyoswaggz did for a fan who begged him for school fees assistance on instagram...

Neyoswaggz who is currently commanding a wide fan base on social media posted a picture pose of him and fellow actress Lizzy ajorin at a movie location recently and surprised a fan who happens to be a student and needed pay his fees which would be closing soon the student pleaded for a sum of 52,500 naira to pay his fees.

Suddenly it turns a happy day for the hopeless pleading fan as neyoswaggz happens to see his comment among several comment under is post which also consists of an open letter from an admirer among various comment replied him that he should have sent him a Direct Message instead ,the needy fan quickly raised a happy alarm showering prayers later after he surprisingly received a sum of 55,000 Naira instead through a transfer couple of minutes after neyoswaggz received the pleaders account see the conversation munch below

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