Monday 4 July 2016

Why I support Kanye West and Kim Kardashian over Taylor Swift

Read this interesting article published on the New York Daily
Taylor Swift has officially achieved the impossible: She’s pushed me over to Team Kimye.
That’s right — after seven years of pledging my unwavering support to the pop icon in her seemingly never-ending squabble with Kanye West, I’m shifting my allegiance to the braggadocio rapper and his wife Kim Kardashian.

And frankly, T-Swift left me no choice.
Inherently, she’s the same as Kanye. They both crave attention and are masters of manipulating the media to get it.

But the way they go about crafting their image couldn’t be more different.
With Swift, everything seems so planned out. From the carefully selected girl squad to, more recently, the seemingly orchestrated photoshoot on a Rhode Island beach with Tom Hiddleston, she only shows the world what she wants it to see.
Of course, she’s easy to love — she’s concocted the perfect public persona.
But it just seems insincere. Are we really expected to believe Swift — the biggest pop superstar on the planet — would let herself get caught snuggling up to the “Thor” actor on a public beach on the heels of a breakup if she didn’t want her fans to know about it?
Now more than ever, I find myself wondering how much of the “Shake It Off” singer’s image is genuine. But that’s not a question I ever have to ask about Kanye.
Love him or hate him, what you see is what you get with the “Yeezus” creator. You know he’s being real, because three seconds after he thinks something, he tweets it.
And in an era in which so many celebrities hide behind their publicists or only offer a fleeting glimpse of their lives through the perfectly chosen Instagram photo, isn’t it refreshing for someone to follow their own script and kick the PR-fed lip service to the curb once in a while?Yes, he’s known to go overboard at award shows and on social media from time to time. But when he ranted on “Ellen” about wanting to change the world, his passion was palpable. When he begged Mark Zuckerberg to invest in his mind, he was clearly dreaming of making a difference.
And when he blabbered about running for President in a long-winded VMAs speech last year, he earned my vote right then and there.
He’s taken a lot of flak for his T-Swift tiff, and usually deservedly so. But nobody outside of Swift, Kanye and Kim’s circles truly know who’s telling the truth in the “Famous” saga.
For those who have been living under a rock, Kanye raps in his new song “Famous” that he and Swift “might still have sex” because he “made that b—-” famous. Kanye says Swift endorsed the lyric. Swift, through her publicist, denies it.
But Kim — a woman who holds back very little in her reality TV driven life — made things interesting when she claimed Swift was lying in a recent interview with GQ.

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