Tuesday 9 August 2016


This piece is dedicated to all Christians whose faith remains steadfast in God the maker of destiny.

Spiritually dreams and visions have different interpretations. Dreams in the bible can only be received when a person is asleep while vision is received when someone is awake and assumed to be in the spirit. In the context of this article dreams and visions are synonymous; it is an ambition for an individual or organization. Ask a child of age five, he will tell you I am aspiring to be medical doctor, lawyer, accountant etc. That is his dream. Every human being created in the likeness of God has got a dream which must be in tandem with our destiny. 

It is the picture of the future. To dream is to have a vision, an act of foresightedness by an individual or organization. Fulfilling our dreams in this wicked world is possible when we understand and tap into God’s purpose and direction for our lives.

Webster dictionary defines destiny as a predetermined or inevitable course of events that is beyond human comprehension. Jeremiah 29:11 – God’s plan for us is to give us an expected end. We all must understand that, before we were born, God has wired us with unique gifts, desires and drives to play a particular role in history – one that is peculiar to us only. Chasing after affluence, pleasure and immoral acts will debar God’s purpose for us. It could delay or even mar our destiny. Achieving God’s chosen destiny for our lives requires our cooperation with the Almighty Creator. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all other things shall be added unto you. Leave the things of this world.

Achieving your dreams and fulfilling our destiny; Parameters to consider
Distance yourself away from sin: 1 John 3:4 defines sin as transgression of the law of God or rebellion against God (Deuteronomy 9:7). God hate sinners, he will not associate himself with the unrepentant heart. The comforter, the Holy Spirit will not mediate on our behalf if we grow daily in sin. Brethren strive to be righteous, an incarnate of Jesus Christ. It is the first step in achieving your dreams and destiny.
Be thankful and prayerful: First learn to be indebted to God by praising him.A grateful and thanksgiving heart in prayers will have more cause to be grateful. A prayer less life is an unfruitful life. If as powerful as Jesus Christ was he subjected himself to prayers by seeking God’s direction and intervention (Luke 11:1). How much more we humans that are mere mortals created from dust. Make prayer a routine in your life. If we pray according to God’s will, we cannot go wrong or fall amiss.

Faith: Hebrews 11:1 describes faith as substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen. Prayer and thanksgivings is worthless without faith. Most men who fulfilled their destiny in bible were men of strong faith. Take your dreams to the next level by believing in God. (Hebrews 6:1) – He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Hard work: Don’t just accept easy task, set the challenges and let God help you through. Ordinary people do ordinary things, extra ordinary people don’t settle for less but what we all have described as impossible, they set their minds on it and do the unthinkable. As Christians strive to be a visionary, second to none.
Divine favor: Being favored, means to be regarded or treated with special advantages. God only blesses and favor the righteous (Psalm 5:12). Divine favor is a special privilege from God designed for those walking on the true path of salvation. You need that divine favor from God to excel in your chosen dream.
Finally equilibrium must exist between your dreams and destiny to make headway in life. Your family could be a team of learned fellows who have been successful but your own destiny might to be an engineer or even a pastor called for the work of God. Whatever your desires and ambition may be, learn to be vigilant and watchful in the spirit. Let God decide for you. You never can tell how God will minister to you in fulfilling his purpose for your life. He is a God of suprises that will never share his glory with anyone. 

1.     The HOLY BIBLE (KJV).
2.     What is the difference between dreams and visions in bible by Pastor Jack Wellman of Mulvane brethren church, Kansas. Sept 13th, 2014.
3.     The Significance of vision and mission development for enterprises in Slovak republic by Z .Papulova, Journal of Economics, Business and Management, Vol 2, No.1 Feb, 2014.
4.     Foothills community church; Embracing our destiny – “understanding our biblical destiny” Part 1.
5.     “Your destiny, your choice” by Rick Warren. May 21st, 2014.
6.     Principles that attracts divine favor by Testimony center ministries, Togo.

Babafemi Samuel (princefm@live.com)
 Teacher, web programmer and writer.

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