Tuesday 12 September 2017

Kelly Hansome ready for A Taste of Nigeria

’Nonye Ben-Nwankwo and Ademola Olonilua

Nigerians in Texas, USA are getting set to have some fun and a taste of home as the fourth edition of A Taste of Nigeria is all set to hold.
Saturday Beats gathered that America-based Nigerian singer, Kelly Hansome and Black Velvet, are warming up to show Yankee people how to rock and roll.

Organised by Nigeria-born Kpegekie Lemon-Simmons, also known as Peggy Simmons, the event will feature other Nigerian actors and celebrities including Goge Africa.

Talking about the event in a telephone conversation with Saturday Beats, Simmons, who is also an events planner, said her aim is to make Nigerians based in the US to feel and enjoy the rich culture of Nigeria.
“Nigeria is rich in culture and my goal back in 2008, when I started, was to showcase Nigeria to the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas and eventually to the world at large. The first one did not go as well and we took a few years to make changes and restarted it in October of 2014. The festival was a hit and hence we have continued annually till date.

“The event is for Nigerians based in the US who have not been to Nigeria for a long time and who long for home. We use the opportunity to show them our movies, our music, food and our latest fashion. It is also for foreigners who have heard a lot about Nigeria and are longing to visit the country. We show them what we have and make them understand that our country is rich in culture.”
Scheduled to hold in October, Simmons said she initiated the festival for the passion she has for Nigeria.

“This has gone a long way to launder the image of Nigeria. By the time people see what we have and that Nigeria is not all about corruption, they would want to come home more often and invest and be a part of this great country,” she said.

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