Wednesday 25 November 2015

Why I Cannot Fuck Any Actor – Nollywood Actress Favour Oma

Nollywood actress, Favour Oma, is one of the few actresses that has been getting a lot of scripts lately. With an aura of self-confidence around her, the curvy actress who doubles as a producer, spoke to SAMUEL ABULUDE on her new movie, No Apology, and why she distanced herself from romantic affairs with her
colleagues. What are you currently working on?
I am on location, working on a soon to be released movie, No Apology. It is a true life story written by me. The movie revolves around a young lady born in a typical Nigeria village. The lady in question was conceived out of mistake/regret by her mother. The said mother used to be a good Christian. Out of frustration, she (the mother) was forced into prostitution. While secretly being involved in sexual escapades to earn a living, she was also outwardly involved in church activities. In other words, she was living a double life. After several abortions, she was told she would die if she had another abortion . How will an unmarried born again Christian bear the shame of conceiving out of wedlock? She had to run away from the village, gave birth and placed a curse on the child…for denying her the opportunity to enjoy her life. From there, the riveting story unfolds. No Apology is a movie Nigerians will enjoy watching. It’s loaded with lessons.
What are the lessons embedded in the storyline?
Firstly, it teaches that living a double life is a great injustice to oneself and the society at large. We should try at all times to be real; to be truthful to ourselves. Even the Bible says that our yes should be yes and no should be no. We should not be green snakes under green grass. The story also teaches how dangerous it is to be drunk. We also ended up establishing the point that what God gives us should be a blessing not a curse. We have Paul Sambo, Junior Samson, Nkem Ike, Lilian Okoye, and other talented actors as cast.
How long have you been in Nollywood?
I started acting professionally in 2011. By God’s grace, I’ve acted in numerous movies. Lots of people keep asking how was I able to achieve that within the short space of time. I think it has been by the Grace of God upon my life.
What are the titles of some of the movies?
My first movie was entitled No Money No Sex, after which so many other scripts started coming my way. I featured in Sexy Ladies Cult, Serpent of the Sea, Ibu and Adaku in London, The Gheto Legends, Johnny the Playboy, The Vampire Gire, Swagger Conji, Official Housemates, Lion Heroes, Beauties of the Night, tears of Daniela, and so many others where I played lead roles.
Briefly give us an insight about yourself?
I hail from Ihiala local government area of Anambra State. I am the last child from a family of five. I am an orphan and a graduate of Lagos State University.
What has been the secret of your success in Nollywood?
It has been God and my late mum. Also, the passion I have for the job has contributed to my success. I love my job. I see nothing as challenge.
Are there people in Nollywood that you look up to?
I look forward to becoming FAVOUR OMA. I love Favour Oma (Myself) and she is the woman I want to become.
If you were to change anything about yourself, what will that be?
Anger is one of my vices. I am temperamental. That is one thing I would love to change about myself. Also, if I have the power to change anything, I would also love to change my height (laughs)…I want to get taller. I am also targeting changing everything happening in Nollywood. I want to put a stop to people taking advantage of the upcoming ones. I want to change the mindset that if you are an actress, you are a prostitute.
Tell us about your love life?
Yes, I have a lover. Infact, he even came visiting me on the movie set. It is a relationship I cherish so much.
Is the affair altar bound?
That is not what I would love to share. The most important thing is that we are happy being together.
Have you ever been heartbroken?
Yes, I have had a heartbreak.
But what could make a man break the heart of a gorgeous woman like you?
Some men could be unreasonable at times. Some do not know what they want. They leave you and always want to come back. And I am the type that does not go back to past affairs.
Is your present lover an actor?
No. He is not. I can never date an actor. I can’t just do it. It could distract me and I don’t like distractions. If you are dating an actor, you should be ready to handle jealousy. And I think jealousy can make one get distracted. I can have actors as friends, but it can’t go beyond that. I can’t even imagine dating an actor.
Can you cope as a second wife?
That is one thing I can’t do. I’m a very jealous lover… I will kill somebody (laughs). If you marry me and decide to bring in another woman, I will just leave the house for you. It is either you are there for me or you are not there. You can do some shit outside as majority of men do but let the home be mine; let nobody come inside my home to share my husband with me. I can’t tolerate that.
Does the man in your life at the moment also cheat?
I trust him (laughs). Love covers so many things; so I’m not really bothered about him cheating or not.
Do you see anything wrong in a woman developing sexual feelings for her fellow woman?
Everything is wrong in lesbianism. I can like a woman as a good person, but not to the extent of developing sexual feelings. God forbid; I don’t give chance for such. My feelings are directed to the opposite sex, not same sex.
Who is the real you?
I’m just me. Whenever I’m not acting I live my normal life. I could go swimming or decide to hang out with friends. I derive pleasure being in the midst of people that inspire and make me laugh.
What has been your unique selling point?
There are so many things about me that might interest you. But the most important thing is that I have talent and that has stood me out over the years. Besides, I have the God factor. There is also this thing about me – I aim high, higher than you can imagine. Lots of people who are close to me are the ones that really know my worth. Any producer that works with me for the first time would always want to work with me again. And don’t forget I am also beautiful (laughs). I have this camera face and that has also been part of the selling point.

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