Saturday 26 December 2015

Moe Musa Insults Mocheddah Over Tag Error On Instagram

Music Video Director, Moe Musa insults beautiful Singer, Mocheddah over small mistake she made on her instagram post.
Over the past months, Nigerian music sensation, Mocheddah has successful stayed away from controversies keeping to her shell and enjoying her romance with boo, Bukunyi.
However the singer was forced to voice out last night when video director, Moe Musa called her out over an Instagram tagging mistake.
Mocheddah posted a short video clip of her in the studio with producer, Mosa. However while she was trying to tag him, she mistakenly mentioned the video director who got enraged.
A video posted by Mo (@mocheddah) on
Moe Musa, who is one of the most popular music video directors, came charging at the ‘Destinambari’ singer calling her ‘unprofessional and confused’.
Mocheddah-drama2While Mocheddah appeared stunned with his attack, she simply explained that she was only trying to tag Mosa: ‘@mrmoemusa this is quite uncalled for, I was trying to refer to my producer @itsmosa’ As expected however, fans of the 25-year-old singer had a fun filled day blasting him. see them lashing Moe Musa below…
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