Tuesday 22 December 2015

Three clubbers hurt in nightclub 'crush' as hundreds queue to get inside

Three clubbers taken to hospital after 'crush’ outside Newcastle nightclub
Queues: Hundreds were pictured queuing up for the nightclub
Three clubbers were taken to hospital after a 'crush' outside a nightclub as revellers queued in their hundreds to celebrate a Christmas night out.
Emergency services were called to Digital nightclub in Newcastle at 10.44pm on Monday.
Footage posted on social media shows people screaming as they fell over after being jostled in the crowds.
One clubber wrote on Twitter: "Absolutely insane night once again, Digital_Mondays never disappoints even if we did nearly die in the queue and had to jump on the ice rink."

Another had a similar experience, writing: "Digi Mondays is always the best night out.
"(Despite being trampled in a stampede to get in and pulled onto the ice rink)"
The ambulance service confirmed three people were taken to hospital, with one suffering from crush injuries.
No-one is thought to have been seriously injured.

Queues outside Digital nightclub in Newcastle
Newcastle: Those in the queue likened it to a "stampede"
The North East Ambulance Service mobilised a huge response, with nine ambulances attending the venue.
But the incident was not as severe as first feared and five appliances were stood down.
Northumbria Police confirmed they made one arrest for drunk and disorderly.
The force also quashed rumours of a possible stabbing which spread on social media.

Picture sent via Facebook from Tim J McGrath Incident at Digital nightclub, Newcastle
Police: Three clubbers were taken to hospital
Party-goers also posted photos online showing the scale of the queue.
Digital opened its dancefloor in 2005 and has since become a hit with Newcastle’s student population.
The award-winning club has hosted some of the world’s biggest house music acts, including Carl Cox, David Guetta and Fatboy Slim.
It was voted the 11th best club in the world and is the biggest in the UK, with a capacity of 1,400.
The Newcastle Chronicle contacted Digital for a response but reported that no-one was available for comment.

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