Wednesday 13 January 2016

The secret to a child’s success – Must Read For Parents

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After my child carried 12th in class for the 3rd time despite all my efforts I was convinced thatthe children scoring better than him have two heads instead of 1. But to my surprise when I eventually was able to turn the table around and get my boy to top 3 in class I didn’t have to make him “grow another head” …I simply found the key to unlocking the genius in my child and it was much simpler than you would expect….

My child started reading as early as age 4, by age 6 he could pronounce, spell and write down words that were quite complicated. I used to watch him interact with his friends and I would be so proud of my boy. But when his results came out for his 1st term in primary 1 he was 10th position. The next term he was 12th. I was literally enraged at the result, the next term I reduced his tv time and his nap time to create more space for doing assignments and classwork. I would call his class teacher 2 times a week to ask about his performance in class and I even made it a prayer point at our house fellowship because I wanted to be that proud mum whose child was the best in class.
My son came 12th in class again. It was at this point that I thought it was beyond human comprehension how a naturally brilliant child who could speak, read and write better than most of his peers and was reading 4 hours a day (after school classes on a daily basis) was taking 12th in class. I met with the school’s guidance counsellor concerning the issue and it was she who suggested that I should probably get my child a personal tutor to attend to him on a 1- 1 basis. This was the secret I discovered; 1 – on – 1 tutoring is highly effective in supporting classroom lessons and in strengthening a child in areas of weakness that may be hidden.
I got a Prepclass tutor and the results were incredible. From 12th position my son moved to 3rd in class. The tutor explained that my son was brilliant as I had always thought but his scores were bad because:
He made frequent careless mistakes during tests and exams.
He lacked confidence so sometimes he would not attempt a question he knew because he wasn’t sure and in class he would not ask questions when things were unclear.
He didn’t know how to work well with time and
He answered questions during exams the same way he would answer if it were a mere class activity so he was scoring lower marks in the exams than he should.
The next term my son was first position thanks to the effort of the brilliant tutor we got from Prepclass tutor. I heard about them from a friend who got a GMAT tutor in Lagos for her exams, she spoke very highly of them because she had used their services in preparing for the exam and she was successful. I had my doubts but I gave them a try, their service and the quality of tutor they got me was truly amazing
Personal tutors are very helpful in boosting academic performance even within a short time whether you are getting a tutor for a child, for a teenager or adult preparing for an exam or trying to learn a language or skill. Which teacher can sit by your side, answer all your questions, understand your strengths and weaknesses and help you improve on them when there are 19 other students waiting for the same teacher to attend to them.
Only a personal tutor has that capacity in terms of time and resource and the best tutors in Lagos are found on Simply fill this linkor Call them on 01-2913970 or send an email to They have provided tutors for over 500 clients across Lagos and have an impeccable track record.

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