Friday 4 August 2017

Abomination: Schoolgirl Gives Birth to a Baby Boy After She Was Impregnated by Her Own Father (See Photo)

In what will come across as a really shocking development, a young girl has given birth to a baby boy after being defiled by her father.
A 43-year-old Kenyan man has been accused of defiling and impregnating his daughter at Kapsetek village in Rongai sub-county, The Standard reports.
The Form Eight pupil from a school in Mogotio town delivered a baby boy at a private hospital this week. She has since dropped out of school to take care of the baby.
The man is said to have defiled the girl, 16, and threatened to kill her if she revealed the matter to anyone.
The family of the minor was shocked by revelations that the man, whom they trusted to take care of his daughter, had assaulted her. The teenager is said to have revealed the crime during labour.
The girl's mother could not hold back tears as she sat helplessly at her home.
"This is my lowest moment in my life. It is very shameful to have my ex-husband impregnate my daughter," she said looking at the baby in disbelief.
The woman, who is in her 60s, asked police to conduct investigations swiftly and bring her estranged husband to book.
She said they separated years ago when the girl was still a toddler. But last year, the father picked her after promising that he would  cater for her education.
"The police should arrest him and take action against him because this is an abomination according to Kalenjin culture," said the mother.
She described the girl as disciplined and caring. She said the girl had promised to take care of her after completing her studies.
"I had high expectations in her because she was focused," she said. Narrating her ordeal to The Standard, the minor said she was defiled by her father in November last year in his house.
She said she had just started her revision, after doing house chores, when her father returned home at around 4pm and accused her of being irresponsible.
He then, she said, locked the house and dragged her to his bedroom, covered her mouth with a piece of cloth and defiled her.

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