Thursday 18 April 2019

CCT to deliver judgment on Onnoghen's trial by noon today

CCT to deliver judgment on Onnoghen
The Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) will today Thursday April 18th by 12 noon, deliver judgement in the trial of the suspended Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Justice Walter Onnoghen.
Onnoghen has been on trial over the non-declaration of his assets.

He arrived the court this morning at about 8.30am for the judgement hearing but the Court registrar suddenly announced that the judgement will be passed by 12 noon. No reason was given for the postponement.

President Buhari suspended Onnoghen on January 25th over claims that he failed to disclose his assets when he, Onnoghen, came into office in March 2017.

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