Tuesday 16 April 2019


The daunting task ahead of Governor Elect of Ogun State, Prince Dapo Abiodun(MFR)

Having carefully looked at the recently constituted economic transition committee comprising of intellect per excellence in their various fields by H.E, Prince Dapo Abiodun, it gladdens my heart that truly DA as he popularly called knows his onions and if you sir continue in this right path, in a matter of time, the sleeping giant in our dear gateway state will awaken.

It is on this premise, I have humbly written DA as a concerned citizen to shed more light on grey areas that have been left unattended to by the goverment of Senator Ibikunle Amosun and perhaps proffer solutions. It is my utmost believe that as you read through sir, you will agree with me sir that, as a matter of urgency, immediately after your swearing in on 29th May, 2019, these areas to be mention below in this epistle needs your apt attention:
a) Education(Tertiary Institution)
1. The MAPOLY/MAUTECH saga: Sir, going by what happened in TASUED/TASCE imbroglio 10 years after, one can deduce that if both TASUED/TASCE had been cohabited in the same campus at Ijagun, with TASCE being college of education arm of the university, the story will have been different today. It is my candid opinion that MAPOLY/MAUTECH cohabit in the same campus at Abeokuta, and in order not slight the good people of Ipokia, the campus hurriedly constructed by Governor Amosun could be converted to college under MAPOLY/MAUTECH. Due to vast amount of land at Ipokia, college of Agriculture will be preferable. The implication is simple, only one council and management team with same staff who may be redeployed will oversee both affairs at Abeokuta and Ipokia campus.

2. TASCE crises: Sir, though TASCE has now become a degree awarding institution, it will take a minimum of 5years to be self sufficient, their is the need for government intervention in terms of funding which includes but not limited to... immediate resumption and prompt payment of 100% subventions to the college, reasonable payment of salary arrears within your first 3months in office and while a M.O.U is put in place to acknowledge how subsequent salary arrears will be paid, constitution a of virgin governing council, construction of the main access road in college and above all, your inspection as the visitor of the institution within the 30days of assumption of office. etc.

3. Secondary/Primary Schools: 
The deplorable state of public schools in ogun state is worrisome, there is the need to inaugurate an education committee which will come up with a report of the eyesore nature of public schools in the state within your first 100days in office. A scale of preference should be drawn identifying schools that needs immediate intervention and schools that are manageable for the next 2years before renovation. The scale of preference will allow government to inculcate funding of such public schools in its budget yearly.

The establishment of standard sick bay in all public schools in ogun state in care of a social health worker in case of emergency.

The just concluded promotion exercise conducted by TESCOM and SUBEB for both secondary and primary school teachers through the use of computer based test shows that reasonable number of teachers in the state are still lacking behind in modern ICT tools used in teaching students for effective learning. For instance thousands of student around the globe are learning different languages using an app called duolingo, quick maths to learning mathematics, science 360 to learn complex science concepts etc. Our teachers needs periodic ICT training for effective teaching and dissemination of ideas to our children.

Introduction of rural allowance for teachers posted to rural areas as a means of incentive.

b)Youth Empowerment in Agriculture: Most developed nations of world have gotten their priority right on agriculture with youths playing the deciding factor. The urgent need for creation of agricultural hub in various parts of the state where youths will be allocated land and non-interest loan to start up their own agricultural business. The world bank will tapped into this project if the state government under your leadership comes up with a comprehensive proposal.

c) Resuscitation of OGROMA is applauded but it is my own simple opinion that a road construction agency should be established which will be a parent agency to OGROMA. While the agency will construct roads, OGROMA will concentrate on road maintenance. Investigation has showed that most roads constructed have become deplorable because of lack of efficient drainage system during rainy season. Summarily, every road constructed must have an appropriate drainage system.

d) Rapid development of border towns: The social economic activities in our border towns is enviable because it contributes to significant proportion of the our internally generated revenue but sorry state of basic amenities in these areas is laughable. There is need to upgrade these border towns from rural areas to cities by providing accessible roads that will not be death trap, stable power supply, pipe-borne water, effective health care system etc. Mowe-Ibafo, Oja odan are practical examples.

e) Encouragement of age groups (i.e ijebu regbe regbes) to develop the ijebu/remo axis by creating an industrial hub/estate. if government engages them to invest by providing an enabling environment to start small and medium scale enterprises. Creation of jobs should not be a government thing only if their is a transparent public private partnership.

Finally on a concluding note, an efficient health care system is paramount, be a workers friendly governor who will not owe salaries and blaspheme on mass media as if their is no tomorrow.

Together, I believe a new Ogun State devoid of political bitterness and malice where all men will have equal rights under your governance is possible. 

DA, sir it is my prayer you will succeed and awaken the sleeping giant in Ogun state.

Yours Respectfully

Babafemi Samuel

TASCE, omu-ijebu

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