Monday 22 February 2016

Join the 6million people who saved hundreds on their energy bills last year

Want to end the year with £200 extra? You can join the millions who are already doing this by making a simple switch. This is how they did it

Are you burning money?
More than 6million of us are £200 richer after taking the plunge and switching energy suppliers in 2015, according to energy regulator Ofgem.
And 15% more households switched compared to the previous year.
Ofgem's Rachel Fletcher said: “It’s encouraging to see switching levels at their highest level for four years. With more than 30 suppliers active in the energy market and hundreds of pounds of savings to be made, it’s a great opportunity to shop around.
“Whether customer service, price or both is what’s most important to you, remember you always have a choice. If your energy company isn’t up to scratch, vote with your feet and walk away."
Ofgem estimates the typical customer will be £200 better off by switching, although those who have not switched for a long time may save significantly more.
The number of customers switching was at its highest level for four years in 2015. Two in five of those who switched went to an independent supplier, rather than the Big Six.
Peter Earl, head of energy at Comparethemarket , said: "Ofgem's announcement that energy switching has increased by 15% is probably rooted in two key factors.
"The actions of the Big 6 energy companies, introducing fairly feeble cuts in the region of 5%, have spurred consumers to look at other providers who appear to be giving a better deal."

How to get a better deal on your energy bills

Getty Business owner working at laptop in cafe
Shop around
The first thing you need to do is get a hold of your energy bill and work out exactly how much you're paying. Learn how to read an energy bill here .
Then you need to shop around We've got tips on comparing energy tariffs here . Or you can use Ofgem's website Go Energy Shopping .
You can also save money by insulating your home and using less energy in the first place.
If you're thinking of switching to a smaller supplier, check out our lowdown here.

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