Wednesday 17 February 2016

Married Woman Gives 22-Year Old Boyfriend Overdose of Sex Enhancers, Then Disappears

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

A married woman took to her heels after she reportedly gave her 22-year-old boyfriend overdose of of sex enhancement drugs in Benin, Edo State.
The military personnel in the state are currently looking to arrest the mother of three for abandoning the victim in a hotel room after committing the act.
According to Vanguard, the man raised an alarm after he felt excruciating pains as if his manhood was about to explode.
On arriving the room, the hotel’s receptionist found the man weakly groaning in pains before he was rushed to a hospital where he is receiving treatment.
It was learnt that the fleeing woman always visited the man at the hotel after dropping her children at school.
She was also said to be fond of buying milk and other sex enhancement drugs for the man until the fateful day when she gave him an overdose.
A source said:  “She will be in the hotel from 8a.m. till about 2p.m., when she will go and pick the children from school. She spends all the time with the boy in the hotel room.”
The attention of the police have been drawn to the incident, but it was gathered that they intend to allow the man recuperate before a full scale investigation would commence

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