Wednesday 2 December 2015

Dear MTE readers: I saw a conversation that devastated me

Dear MTE readers: I saw a conversation that devastated me

From a female LIB reader
My husband and his ex were chatting on Whatsapp which I saw last night. From the conversation, it was clear they were not having an affair. She's also married with kids. Apparently, they dated for years but things didn't work out and they went their separate ways. But in the conversation, he told her he had no doubt that if he'd married her, his life would have been different, he would have been happier and they would have created magic together. That made me feel so bad. Does it mean I don't make him happy? Marrying me was a mistake? He doesn't have his dream life with me? Should I confront him about what I read? Ask him to explain to me? I am so devastated.

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