Thursday 3 December 2015

PHOTO: Brave Woman Beats Her Rapist To A Pulp During Night Attack

Johnathon Paul Holmes was hit in the face by his victims keys Johnathon Paul Holmes was hit in the face by his victims keys
A would-be sex attacker dragged a 21-year-old woman into bushes to rape her, but ended up with bruised and battered face in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, UK.
Johnathon Holmes had followed a lone woman for over a kilometer before launching his vicious assaulton November 1.
He ran at his victim, pushed her into bushes and climbed on top of her before forcing his tongue into the woman’s mouth.
But the woman plucked up her courage and managed to fought sexual pervert off. She bit his tongue and repeatedly punched him in the stomach, face and neck using her keys as a weapon, while screaming for help.
Two passersby frightened Holmes away and he fled the scene but was tracked down by police in few hours after the attack. The woman, whose name kepr secret for legal reasons, told the court:
“I believed without a doubt he was going to rape me. My life would have been over, he might as well have killed me right there. I was so terrified but so angry. What happened to me was my worst nightmare. The whole thing replayed in my head for days. Now going anywhere after dark is really stressful for me.I often think how much worse it could gave been. Even though I know he is locked up, sometimes I’m scared he will come after me again.”
Holmes pleaded guilty to sexual assaul, saying he had no recollection of the incident, as he was drunk but he is sorry for his actions.

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